
All the beans that I picked up from Seedsforme sprouted except 1 but that was my fault.
All Annunaki Genetics:
Black Cherry Soda Bx2
Dutch Soda
Black Cherry Soda X Strawberry Mamba

I also picked up some
Duh Punch (Fancy Weed)
Forbidden Sunset (Fancy Weed)
I picked those up straight from Fancy Weed but Seedsforme recommended him to me since we have similar injuries.
Good luck with yours!!
I recently ordered Annunaki from Seeds for ME ....All went well with processing until delivery...NO issues there.
I picked up the Black Cherry Soda BX2 and some Epoxy OG too.

I started all this May after receiving my order...ALL Epoxy jumped from the shells in 2 days 100%
Started 12 of the BCS and only got 3 of 12 to get any tails.

The weird thing was on the tube they came in there was a note that BCS takes longer to germ than others from Annuanaki.
It was mentioned to have paitience and wait around 21 days to get them sprouting.

Well its over the 3 week mark now and it looks like 3/12....25% is the new germ norm!
I know its not on my end....Been using the same techniques for many, many moons with over 90% result.

I contacted breeder Adam and he confirmed that " the BCS Bx2 are the hardest of his seed line to germ. Every seed out of thousands were that color (lily white)", He asked about my germ technique and were the seeds were purchased from.
I'm hoping he's gonna resend something for my troubles to get back on track for my spring start.,,,,

Anyone else have issues with the BCS Bx2 ??
I’ve got some but haven’t tried them. I’m going to start one today and see what happens. I just got some Grapefruit Matics and Pineapple Express And couldn’t be happier with the service. I should be seeing sprouts soon.
BCS BX2 I only popped 2 because I read the same thing and was looking for a timeline. 1 popped and growing like a tree, the other I messed up and tossed.
I have a few other beans and plants I gotta get thru before I run more. I have a few packs of Annunaki Gear and the only one with the note or small seeds is the BCS BX2
Yup I wish Adam had a note stating the extended germ times. Its been my experience over the years and times that ive made crosses..the longer you let them sit in their seed bracts the darker and more fertile them I stated I’m not a newbie and been playing this game many, many moons


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I got my ass whipped on the autos I tried to transplant outside but that’s not seedsforme’s fault, I had a good germ rate. This southern heat was rough.
Epoxy OG and BCS
Also got fools gold, strawberry & lemon skunks thrown in as a fruit smorgasbord !


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I hope these guys are legit getting ready to make a order from them. Anybody who’s ordered from them please let me know how it went.
legitimacy is a two edged sword. reception is first but what you gorw out is the most important part. if u base buying simply on " other saying i got them" i feel that's not a great determiner of legitimacy . legit to me will always mean what i grow out os what it's supposed to be and nothing less.
so, don;t be lislead via the recption part of the equation because if you do it;s your own fault. ijs this site and others are notorious for reception reviews with veyt few if any grows showing the end results. = this is what counts most for my coin. ur milelage may differ but u were warned.