Well-Known Member
You should really get the BB it branches your plant like none other ive been using it on my sprouts and you can see from the widow it branches shit out
Its brown and looks like mud kinda funky shit but plants love it. I gave some to my tomatoes and it produced more flowering spots like over night came out the next day and had blossoms all over
So if used throughout the plants growth i feel it gives you tighter nodes and promotes branching if your getting lower on the rest order the FF trio for like 48 with free shipping off of amazon oh and not sure fi you know this trick but emegercy blankets and double sided tape works very well thats what my box is lined with might try adding some into your grow i got a 12 pack for 12 bucks free shipping one blacket is enough to do my box twice so i have like 6 or more years i can line my box and it only cost me 12 bucks well that and tape. Also if you want to make walls use cardboard or particle board then you can make some nice flush reflective walls its what i did for last grow so i could take them in and out when needed. What kind of pen do you have im looking to get one just not trying to spend $160 on a multi hanah.