Seedsman website


Well-Known Member
Why has it been absolute trash for the last like 18 months or so? click on any strain it shows for a second then blasts "oops! return to homepage" why haven't they fixed it?
Been a little while since I've been on their site, but as of a few months ago I browsed around a bit and it seemed like they'd actually made it functional again. They don't seem to have nearly as much variety or sweet deals as they used to, so a borked website definitely isn't gonna draw me back any time soon.
Why has it been absolute trash for the last like 18 months or so? click on any strain it shows for a second then blasts "oops! return to homepage" why haven't they fixed it?
I just visited their website and it's working fine for me. Do you have any browser add ons that could be interfering?
I just visited their website and it's working fine for me. Do you have any browser add ons that could be interfering?
I don't think that's the issue, a few months ago I emailed them about it, and they said basically, they knew it was trash, and were working on it. but I dont see any improvement yet.
Out of curiosity, I went and checked it out yesterday. Back to being pretty fucked up for me, too. It'll have some functionality for a short while, but sooner or later it'll start throwing 502 errors any time you try to open a page. Also wouldn't let me add anything to my cart.
I have given up on the tude and seedsman "USA websites". Both do not function very well.

Also most of the reasons I would use either bank, the breeders or strains are only on the full EU website.

And more annoyingly Seedsman mostly tries to sell their inhouse strains on the USA site.

So many better options until they get their acts together.
Its been a rough year but our site is now working as it should do. We are really sorry for the issues. We struggled to build a scalable site that worked in the USA, UK and EU.

But we are there now. And delivery in the US and elsewhere is quicker than ever.