Seeking Advice


Hi guys,

First grow here, very newbie. I could really use your opinons. (SEE ALBUM)

Currently I have 3 plants growing outdoors the strain is Purple Widow; all females.

To be honest I lost track of how long I have had them outside but the pictures you see are current, about 50-60 days growth.

I have them on a 3 day watering cycle, a tablespoon of bloodmeal once a week for the nitrogen. They get about 7-8 hours of direct sunlight a day, and maybe 5-6 of indirect (shade).

I wanted to get your opinons on a couple of things.

1) They appear to be growing wider quicker than they grow up, could this be due to me having them in only a 1 gallon pot? What are the advantages to a bigger pot?

2) If I were to begin the flowering proccess, how much do you think I could yield from these 3 guys? They are currently about 13-14 inches tall.

Thanks for the help.
if you were to put them in larger pots, they would grow a lot bigger, both wider and taller. there are ways to make plants grow big in small pots but for the most part a bigger pot is essential. transplant those babies and watch them rocket!

if you flowered them now, i'm guessing you could get about half an ounce per plant maybe? not sure really.