I have some clones that were donated to me by a third party in rough shape, and I want to see if I can save these guys with your help. I've done my research, and I've got a basic understanding of the fundamentals, but I'm not sure what I should do to help these clones in their stressed condition! They are in rockwool cubes (it was soaked when I first got it, and they are suffering from over watering I believe) on top of a bed of perlite. They have been under T5 CFL's for two days now but not covered in a dome. What should my next step be? I'm debating buying a heat pad, covering the tray with a dome and giving them a week to bounce back and establish better roots. Their roots vary from just poking through the rockwool to decent roots coming out on some, but none of them are thriving. My other option was to possibly plant them in soil in solo cups, but I'm not sure if transplanting is the best idea at this point? Any suggestions/advice/help would be appreciated. Feel free to ask any additional questions as well, I just want to know what my best option is at this point.