Seeking experienced help! please


Well, first off I would like to tell everyone a little about whats going on in the room before i show my girls.

Light: 600w HPS about 8 inches or more away from plants.
Temps: Around 70 with light on and 60 with the light off. This seems to be a concern for 1 plant as I live in a cold climate and it seems to have phosphorus def.
Humidity: 30-40%
Medium: 4 were in dirt but now 3 are in a hempy bucket with 75% perlite/25% vermiculite and another is in a DIY DWC. My seeds were put in 1x1 rockwool cubes which i used the papertowel method (A+ method for seeds btw had a root in 24 hours) and soon to be in hempy buckets also.
Watering: Right now I water every 3 days in the buckets and my seedling every 3-4 days with a misting every day.
Nutrients: I run the GH 3 part with superthrive and Hygrozyme.
PH: I usually PH everything to 5.5 after nutes.

If anymore information is need on the room just ask. Now on to the girls :hump:

I have 10 vegging right now 2 Sage' n' sours(2 far left ones), 1 White Widow(Front right), 1 New York Sour Diesel(Back right), 2 Uberkush's and 2 Lady Cane's (Freebie from Sannie for ordering the Ubers)


Ok My first problem would have to be the Sage 'n Sour I have in the DWC bucket. After the shock of transplanting she really hasn't done much except produce brownish black spots on her leaves and growth has stunted.


Also, as stated earlier my temps in the room are kinda on the low side and because of this i believe the Diesel has a phosphorous def due to the cold temps and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to help.100_0604.jpg

Any help would be helpful, i'am a noob at this and only real information i have gotten has been off of this forum and its contributes. So, before anyone replies i would like to thank you ahead of time. If there are any questions feel free to ask.

I also have an aquamist system, but due to the fed-ex guys it came with a crack in it, but growgenie said they will replace the res. One can only hope after spending 280$ on it.


looks like cal mag problem or nutrient lockup make sure youir containers are full when you mix your food dont mix three part together or it will lock up