Seeking expert help with my seedlings


Active Member
Hi Guys,

I am a long timer lurker first time grower and I need some help with my little seeds.

This is my second grow attempt, my first went shocking after I did all the common noob mistakes. This time I believe I have done everything right.

As you can see from the pics these little guys are already showing signs or stress and burn. The end of the leaves are burning a little and starting to brown like my previous grow. The leaves are starting to droop.

I havent fed any nutes, the soil is nute free. I have been feeding them bottled water, and only about 4-5 tablespoons every second day.

They are situated in a grow tent with constant light which is just above them. It is a very large flurecent light recomended at my local hydro.

I cant think why they are starting to go wrong so i am hoping you guys can shed some light if you will!





Active Member
If you ask me, they all just look to dry.

And don't be shy to foliar feed with a 1/2 strength nute mix.


Well-Known Member
i would give more water. try about a 1/3 to 1/2 cup each., and i wouldn`t recomend nutes till they are about 3 weeks old. give them 18/6 for light. do you know what kind of light you have like the kelvin # and keep light about 3 or 4 inches above the plants. do you have ventalation


Well-Known Member
Hey bud I am a newb also but I like to think I am a quick learning newb who just learned more about my mistakes from yours and can help us both.

So long story short water those more and start with like 15%-25% nutrients.
Your plants look dry as another poster said, and also are eating themselves for nutrients IMHO. I have nutrient burn on my babies and it is different looking. Yours is a water and nitrogen deficiency where as mine is a burn from too much nutrients I will get you some pics since e both have seedlings and can see the difference more easily.


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using?

THEY DONT NEED NUTES YET, biggest thing most people do is skill their seedlings with nutes, have you used any fertilizer at all?


Well-Known Member
Umm he said it is nute free soil... Yellow is lack of nitrogen not nute burn lol start with the 15-25% nutes bro you will be safe, but seriously only 15-25% or next you will be posting pictures with nute burn not dry yellow nitrogen deficient leaves ;) Once the seeds have dropped their husks they are no longer carrying their own nutrient store, minus the first 2 leaves which they tend to eat up as they grow...


Active Member
What soil are you using?

THEY DONT NEED NUTES YET, biggest thing most people do is skill their seedlings with nutes, have you used any fertilizer at all?

Thats what I figured as well. Since I burnt and over watered my last batch I have decided to wait until feeding nutes.

The soil is propogation soil, the lighter soil is COCO plant matter. I wasnt sure which would be better so i did half half.

The light is a big CFL, pro light from the hydro shop. It does get a little warm and the ventilation is not the best since they are in my wardrobe, altough i have a fan going in ther 24/7.

Could this be heat related? It is winter here, and i we have the heating on.. mixed with the light it does get a little warm. Ill try moving it to 14/10 and see if that helps.


Active Member
I am really inclined to not put any nutes in at all until they are older. Is there something else I can give them? some fertilizer maybe?


Active Member
Yes good advice as allways ppl water with .5 or .25 nute mix, check up on temp, pro cfl? 220w 125w?...flurecent light recomended at my local hydro.

keep it 24 to 36 inches away. Grow in peace & good luck my grow


Well-Known Member
the reason you have an n def is because you are not watering enough so the plant cant get any food. feed it more even if it means less often so it dries to.


Active Member
the reason you have an n def is because you are not watering enough so the plant cant get any food. feed it more even if it means less often so it dries to.

Ok thanks! I will give that a try and see how they develop. I guess i was under watering out of fear of over watering like last bunch


Well-Known Member
as long as the cotyldons are green there is enough food for the seedling to thrive until it cn produce food via photosynthesis. You dont feed them anything but 1 drop of superthrive per gallon maby on the end of the second week until 4th and 5th node you can start feeding nutes.
Im in the same boat. I have 8 stunted seedlings going into thier 2nd week and only 2 sets of leaves. Im doing eveything right, they simply are growing at a veryvery slow rate.


Active Member
SO last night i gave them all a very good feed, hope it helps.

Browning has developed a little more since yesterday looks like they are heading towards the same fate as my first grow.

I am using this light on them as close as i can get it to them:
130 watt self ballasted grow grolights lighting plants envirolites cool queensland Australia Gold Coast

I just realised though that they are probably over heating... it is winter here and my wife likes the house to be around 23 degrees, i am thinking that the ducted heating might be drying them out, and causing them to suffer heat stress so I have blocked the hot air from entering the room, opened the windows and hopefully that will do them some good.

Meantime more seeds on the way just in case.. ill stop by the hydro shop next weekend see what better soil they recomend.

BTW i thought that 3-4 tablespoons of water a day would be plenty?


Well-Known Member
So long story short water those more and start with like 15%-25% nutrients.
Your plants look dry as another poster said, and also are eating themselves for nutrients IMHO. I have nutrient burn on my babies and it is different looking. Yours is a water and nitrogen deficiency where as mine is a burn from too much nutrients I will get you some pics since e both have seedlings and can see the difference more easily.

This guy is right on the mark.

as long as the cotyldons are green there is enough food for the seedling to thrive until it cn produce food via photosynthesis. You dont feed them anything but 1 drop of superthrive per gallon maby on the end of the second week until 4th and 5th node you can start feeding nutes.
Im in the same boat. I have 8 stunted seedlings going into thier 2nd week and only 2 sets of leaves. Im doing eveything right, they simply are growing at a veryvery slow rate.

everything? really?

Please feed those plants with a ppm of 2-300, and ph your water @ 6-6.5. I am suspecting that since you have a soil medium that dose not have any nutrient that you are using Coco. Next time mix in some perlite into the coco, this helps alot with keeping the oxygen levels high. As far as your watering goes, look at these 3 things, is the plant starting to wilt?
is the container exceptionaly light? you will learn the correct weight in time.
if you stick your finger into the soil, is there any moisture an inch into the soil? if not, probobly time to water. Just remember this simple rule...The reason you don't keep the soil saturated all the time is that the oxygen levels go down when you water. The plants root system does best half way through its feeding cycle. After that it starts to decline due to lack guessed it water! So try to fully saturate your containers so you don't get dry pockets in the soil, then let then dry out until the plant starts to show signs that it is thirsty "wilting". At this time feel the weight of the container, and from that point on you have a reference point. oh yeah "nutes"=fertilizer...Feed them! Do you have any nutrient yet?



Active Member
Great advice!!! Thanks so much for taking the time.

Damn little seedlings are fragile, thought this thing was meant to be a weed.


Well-Known Member
Once they develop a healthy root system, they can recover from just about anything..GL, I plan to watch to see how you are doing, so if you have questions I will probably be around to help you out...And hopefully there is some others around here that will give you sound advice and get you through this learning curve with out to many pit falls...


Active Member
Thanks mate! I shall be here for a while i suspect!

They are actually looking a little better tonight, I think i know what else might be bothering the ones that are burning... i didnt change the soil since the last batch that I over nuted (yes yet another rookie mistake right), so i suspect a couple of them are actually being burnt.

we'll see how they go. non the less fem seeds on the way just in case.

mr west

Well-Known Member
the best thing u can give them is time dude, water them wen the soil is dry and wait till they grow. Dont worrie bout nute till the plants tell u they need feeding, id personaly wait till at least 4 weeks old and then only 1/4 strength. Good luck man, what fem seeds u got coming? did u buy single seeds?


Well-Known Member
I've only read ur post, haven't read any replies coz in a rush, but at first glance they appear to have a Nitrogen (N) deficiency coming on and are either being over or under watered.

I recommend you get some standard potting mix (like in a 20L bag from local garden center), pot them in this in a small container and water every day of two with about 20ml of water (don't add nutes coz they won't need any, other than what's already in the soil, until they have their first 5 finger leaves).
