Seeking professional advice... summed up story

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
plants were getting rot bad...
removed all rot..
i moved them inside with a fan (always running) and lights-12/12 cycle.. 2 days later...
no more signs of rot...
Trics under microscope are 75% cloudy 10%amber 15% clear....
with that being said and by looking at over all appearance, im saying roughy a week left before harvest...
Im using 2 big drop lights not professional grow lights...

will my plants continue to develop under these conditions? im scared to put them back outside with a high chance of budRot happing again. the moisture levels at night are crazy...

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
Can you put them out during the day & bring them in at night?...the bud rot is worse at night..

its extremely hard to move them i try to move them only when absolutely have to... but if thats the case then i guess iv gotta go what iv gotta go... the drop lights are no good huh

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
ok well thanks for the help yall! im gunna keep them inside with lights on for tomorrow then tomorrownight till sunday moring lights off... then harvest:hump: ill post harvest pix... some is already being cured..

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
the fucking budWorms are the worst!!!! they shit in my weed!!!!!!!!!!! im so sad BT next season
Yep, those bud worms totally suck. Next year go preventative and hit your plants with Bt early and often. I didn't start Bt til the third week of bloom after seeing some damage. Wish I would have been spraying it from the start. Picking worms and poop out of fat nugs is depressing. The bud worms we have up my way are bright orange, a product of moths laying eggs on the plant. The Bt usually takes a few days to kill them, but the effects are immediate. As soon as they eat some Bt they stop foraging and slowly turn pale yellow and eventually wither up and die. I'm going to the hobby store tomorrow to buy a new scalpel to surgically remove them with less damage to the buds.