Seems like every time I get new set of leaves the old ones die.


Hey guys. So I have previously got a lot of help from the people on this site so im turning back to you for reccuring problems with my plant :/. I have been growing this plant for almost two months now and legit every time I get a new set of leaves the old ones die off. It has happened every single time the leaves grow out. just to give details abut the grow are as followed.

Two 42w Cfl lights
air purifing fan
temp meter
growing in organic soil
using nitrogen via Alaskan fish fert
also added a small amount of phos with some bone meal a few waters back because the Alaskan fish fer nutes are so off balance.

Im gonna upload some pictures tonight im leaving the house in a second to show what I mean but I just cant seem to figure her out. Looks like shes growing perfectly until the next set of leaves are starting to mature a bit.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. So I have previously got a lot of help from the people on this site so im turning back to you for reccuring problems with my plant :/. I have been growing this plant for almost two months now and legit every time I get a new set of leaves the old ones die off. It has happened every single time the leaves grow out. just to give details abut the grow are as followed.

Two 42w Cfl lights
air purifing fan
temp meter
growing in organic soil
using nitrogen via Alaskan fish fert
also added a small amount of phos with some bone meal a few waters back because the Alaskan fish fer nutes are so off balance.

Im gonna upload some pictures tonight im leaving the house in a second to show what I mean but I just cant seem to figure her out. Looks like shes growing perfectly until the next set of leaves are starting to mature a bit.
? You sound a bit confused about nutes. "Using Nitrogen via Alaska"? Not sure what you mean. Alaska is good stuff. Nothing "unbalanced" about it from my experience. Are you talking about the 5-1-1 (which is what you should be using in veg)? or the bloom 0-10-10?... or the kelp fert?

I also grow in organic soil (my own mix) and supplement with Alaska.


Active Member
Hey guys. So I have previously got a lot of help from the people on this site so im turning back to you for reccuring problems with my plant :/. I have been growing this plant for almost two months now and legit every time I get a new set of leaves the old ones die off. It has happened every single time the leaves grow out. just to give details abut the grow are as followed.

Two 42w Cfl lights
air purifing fan
temp meter
growing in organic soil
using nitrogen via Alaskan fish fert
also added a small amount of phos with some bone meal a few waters back because the Alaskan fish fer nutes are so off balance.

Im gonna upload some pictures tonight im leaving the house in a second to show what I mean but I just cant seem to figure her out. Looks like shes growing perfectly until the next set of leaves are starting to mature a bit.
do u mind posting a pic? and a pic of ur lights because i am thinking of investing in a 2nd CFL


? You sound a bit confused about nutes. "Using Nitrogen via Alaska"? Not sure what you mean. Alaska is good stuff. Nothing "unbalanced" about it from my experience. Are you talking about the 5-1-1 (which is what you should be using in veg)? or the bloom 0-10-10?... or the kelp fert?

I also grow in organic soil (my own mix) and supplement with Alaska.

I thought for growing cannabis you needed a ratio of 3-1-2? I have used a few doses of the alaskan fish fert and decided after a while to add some bone meal to boost some of the phos. I was using the 5-1-1.

I also got mold knats again I think. I just sprayed for thoses so hopefully she starts looking better.

I literally have had problems with every branch so far. this plant legit is primarly for learning purposes now I just want to learn and go through with everything.


Well-Known Member
wow......saw the pic. hmmmm...........too mucha something. water well allow to dry out well, and grow on. no more feeds until after new growth looks right. ensure good air over plant.


now........a nice, big drink til ample run-off, followed by a thorough drying out, but not to wilt. just until pot feels light, when picked up.
Alright! One more thing... I just sprayed for mold gnats with that spray in the pic. Do you still think I should water now or wait because of the chemicals? idk just didnt wanna jump the gun and fuck her up.


Well-Known Member
I thought for growing cannabis you needed a ratio of 3-1-2? I have used a few doses of the alaskan fish fert and decided after a while to add some bone meal to boost some of the phos. I was using the 5-1-1.

I also got mold knats again I think. I just sprayed for thoses so hopefully she starts looking better.

I literally have had problems with every branch so far. this plant legit is primarly for learning purposes now I just want to learn and go through with everything.
Aw man, don't use that poison on ur plant. Get some neem oil or check my bug spray link in the plant prob section.

Slow down and breath, lol...seems like you're loving it to death. Forget the numbers and ratios... It seems to confuse people more than it helps. That plant is pretty small for 2 months old. Looks like you had some trouble to start. Did you start the nutes at less the recommended dosage? like 1/4 to 1/2? I don't even start feeding my plants till they're that big, usually around 3 weeks.

As long as you don't have any time release in your soil, I would flush and leave alone till the pots light like Don said. When I start plants, I mix my soil with about a quarter the recommended dose of bone meal. Once they sprout, I top dress with a sprinkle. Bone meal is good for root development. When I get ready to transplant those into bigger pots, I mix up my soil with a tiny bit of meal, and a tiny bit of all-purpose, like an 8th of what they say to use, if that (like 1 cup in 16 gallons of soil). I really only use it for the good bacterias in it. I want the nutes LOW in the soil, so I can supplement with Alaska without worrying. I control the feeds. I start feeding at 1/4, then a week or 2, depending on how the plant looks, I move up to 1/2 then full. Alaska is not supposed to burn but, plants just don't need that much early so why risk it?

Just chillax, flush her and leave her be for a bit. Sometimes we wanna help them so much we cause more problems than we fix. Good luck!


Aw man, don't use that poison on ur plant. Get some neem oil or check my bug spray link in the plant prob section.

Slow down and breath, lol...seems like you're loving it to death. Forget the numbers and ratios... It seems to confuse people more than it helps. That plant is pretty small for 2 months old. Looks like you had some trouble to start. Did you start the nutes at less the recommended dosage? like 1/4 to 1/2? I don't even start feeding my plants till they're that big, usually around 3 weeks.

As long as you don't have any time release in your soil, I would flush and leave alone till the pots light like Don said. When I start plants, I mix my soil with about a quarter the recommended dose of bone meal. Once they sprout, I top dress with a sprinkle. Bone meal is good for root development. When I get ready to transplant those into bigger pots, I mix up my soil with a tiny bit of meal, and a tiny bit of all-purpose, like an 8th of what they say to use, if that (like 1 cup in 16 gallons of soil). I really only use it for the good bacterias in it. I want the nutes LOW in the soil, so I can supplement with Alaska without worrying. I control the feeds. I start feeding at 1/4, then a week or 2, depending on how the plant looks, I move up to 1/2 then full. Alaska is not supposed to burn but, plants just don't need that much early so why risk it?

Just chillax, flush her and leave her be for a bit. Sometimes we wanna help them so much we cause more problems than we fix. Good luck!
Alright you guys seem to agree that flushing is what she needs right now so i guess ill go ahead and do that. I just dnt wanna over water. so much to worry about!!

Yes I deff. had problems the ENTIRE time. since about the first 5 leaf. then they started dieing off every time I got new growth.


Yes when adding nutes I did at low dosage. I moved up to almost a whole tablespoon per gallon that was last feed. I started the seed in an extremely small container of soil. Like someone told me that might have fucked up the seed in the beginning.


Alright you guys seem to agree that flushing is what she needs right now so i guess ill go ahead and do that. I just dnt wanna over water. so much to worry about!!

Yes I deff. had problems the ENTIRE time. since about the first 5 leaf. then they started dieing off every time I got new growth.
Yes if you look closly at the pics every small little leaf on the main stem is where leaves should be so she should be much much bigger.