Selective Seeding...


Well-Known Member
Well hey there folks. My girl is about 2 weeks into flowering. Shes fully outdoors and about 2.5 ft tall and is doing great. Started her towards the end of June and she has been doing great every since. Minimal to no nutrients have been added besides for whatevers in Fox Farm's Happy Frog Soil.

I had 3 plants and two turned out to be males so I pulled one and cut the top off the other to harvest and collect the pollen. So I have had the top of the male in a cup with water for probably about 3 weeks and have a good amount of pollen collected in a Film Canister and have been keeping it in the dark part of the fridge for a week now.

I have heard people talk about selectively seeding the lower buds of the plant while still achieving pure "sinsemilla" bud at the top. From what I have learned is that once the bud site is pollinated that all THC production is halted and it goes to 100% seed production mode for a lack of a better term.

Does the whole plant focus its energy on that one seed site or can it be contained and controlled?

So If I take a Q-tip and rub pollen on a lower bud site and then cover that bud site in a Zip-loc or someother bag will this pollenate the specific bud a keep other bud sites prodcucing bud and THC?

If this is possible when would pollenating the bud site be a good time?

Just somethings specific I was wondering. Since I want to have seeds for next years grow while still having smokable bud.

Any help would be great.