self medicating?

Hey guys well i the type of person he rolls up a joint and smokes it alone is this self medicating? Thats what some of my friends say but i dont think so

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Hey guys well i the type of person he rolls up a joint and smokes it alone is this self medicating? Thats what some of my friends say but i dont think so
Who cares what they think. Does it make you happy without negatively impacting your life? If so, I say carry on and enjoy YOUR life

Self medication is very dangerous to the health because no one expert in the medicen to treat thiself.So be avoid from such taking risk of the life.


Active Member
im not into self medication i dont smoke that often though just 2 times a year on my birthday and days that arent my birthday


Well-Known Member
I don't have many friends that smoke I just smoke a little in the evening to kill my back pain after the kids are in bed, or a toke of bho to go to sleep.

You're all good. Just don't be like my brother. All he does is come home from work, smoke weed he can't afford to buy, by himself, and never goes anywhere or does anything. We have him over for dinner all the time just to check on the guy. Don't be that guy.....


I smoke by myself regularly but I love to smoke socially too. It just depends on the person. Being high is great regardless of the people (or lack of people) around you.


Well-Known Member
unless your doctor perscribed it to you, you are self medicating. doing it alone isn't like drinking alone.

sativas are good for meditating.. i only meditate alone.

utilize the medicine to calm and connect with yourself, just don't forget to come out of the fog from time to time to find out where you currently stand in reality