self reversing herms


Well-Known Member
I have a ebb and flo tray full of herms that decided to start flowering again on their own. Once a pollen sack appears, but the plant decides to be female again, should i be worried about the sack continuing maturation?

Also, any ideas on what caused this? Here is what I think might have been able to cause something, I was hoping someone could point out a specific cause as apposed to me having to change the whole system around.

I had a few cold nights before I had the heater set up for the winter. Also water is not warmed at all and im guessing stays at a constant 50F or so since the res is directly on the floor. The roots are air pruning themselves constantly. I have a bit of algae but it always seems to die in the res, have been using hygrozyme since hydrogen pyroxide is incompaitable with my floranova nutes. I have been combining these gh nutes with the foxfarm additives (open sesame, beasty bloomz, and cha-ching).

So they are about 6 weeks into flowering, and i have a tray right beside them about a week in, so im conserned that my new tray may get ruined as well if these sacks are gonna mature. I guess that was a few questions, but any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
no ideas? anyone? Even if you can just cancel out something you think couldnt be the cause it would help. thanks.


Well-Known Member
"help, i need somebody. help, *about* just anybody!"

-some guy no one knows about.


Well-Known Member
hermies have both male and female flowers. a hermie will always be a hermie.
its gonna have buds ... and pollen sacs ... and it will self pollenate and have seeds as well.
i think you oughta go read about hermaphrodites


Well-Known Member
the hermies were probably caused by stress due to light leaking in during dark period or they were xlones taken offf a hermie in the first place.
and as for the tray next to it they will get pollenated and have seeds as well if you dont get the hermies andthere mutant pollen out of your grow room.
hermies are worthless in my opinion .. you should kill them all


Junior Creatologist
fuck killing them all, cuz hell still get a little smoke out of the deal. I would personally say fuckin pluck those pollen sacks as they appear, and get whatever bud you can out of the situation man. Youve gone this far, turning it into a complete loss would fuckin suck to do man. Just pluck them bitches off carefully, as to not spew any pollen out that hasnt already been spewed, and go about your business. If you have a set of ready-to-mature plants nearby those herms, i would get them as far away as possible.

Or what you could do, is keep one or two of them, and kill the rest off, n get your grow on with the other plants that are almost ready to pull the trigger. Keep plucking the pollen sacks so your herms dont pollenate the newbs in the process, and just see how the herms turn out. If you really think that theyve stopped producing pods, its always worth the extra effort to grow out an extra plant or two, just to see what happens with it for shits n giggles. Just dont let it compromise your other batch.

good luck bro, n happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
i could go along with that ... you have a valid point K1Ng .. he's come this far .
i was just concerned for the tray he says he has sitting right next to them.
as long as he can keep that tray safe i would have to agree at 6 weeks into flowering he may as well pluck the nutz off them he-shes and atleast get some smokable nugs out of the deal.


Well-Known Member
ive been spraying dutch master penatrator and reverse on the other batch in an attempt to keep them safe, any experience with this anyone?