selfmedicator462's first grow!


Well-Known Member
Not a lot of Amber yet. Might treat my magnesium problem if I have to flower another week or two. Wonder if it's a ph problem again? I'm PHing my nutes at 6.9 to 7.0. That has been working up to this point. Should I ph it higher to get my medium more neutral? Cause I read acidic soil makes it harder to take up mag


Well-Known Member
it does, have your tried the cal mag yet? if you dont have it look at those nute labels you have and use some extra of it instead of what you`ve been giving them. get the idea of what i`m saying. it may just need alittle bump.


Well-Known Member
I got some Epsom salt today and gave em a foliar feed of it. I'll mix some in its feeding tomorrow. I'll get some calmag ordered for the next grow. I might add some extra lime to the promix next time too.


Well-Known Member
Starting to see some amber today. Hoping I'll see more by Thursday then I'll go dark till Saturday. Then chop. I am SO ready to get rid of this Dairy Queen! This shit smells soooo strong it ain't funny. It over powers my filter and I can smell it even in the sealed room. I'm stuffing dryer sheets in the exhaust piping to mask the smell. I caught a big whiff coming in the back door a few days ago.


Well-Known Member
go out and get a breath ever now and then or you may miss if your filters not working. most of the time when they start turning it doesn`t take them long. are you going to lose any due to the nute problem?
my boss is making me move my garden spot of 7 years or so. now i`m planning for the new build, the good news is my new spot is much bigger. i still have to keep the plant count down, but going from a 4' x 5' plus a 3 x3 to a 12' x 12'. the 12 x12 is half of my old commercial spot but everything that was there has long since gone. i still have all of the equipment so i want be spending as much. i just hate starting over with the dial in.
have you narrowed down your next strain. i decided i`m done with the og and diesel`s thing for a while, im going back to skunk`s and haze`s this year with a few indica`s for my main meds..


Well-Known Member
They are really yellowing. Not sure what I did. When I check em in the morning and they are any worse I'm going to kill the lights and get ready to chop.


Well-Known Member
its hard to see from the photos but there is alot of yellowing now. Im guessing its a PH problem again. Last feeding I upped the ph to 7.2 to see if it would take up more mag. With these airpots and the massive drainage they have im wondering if I washed out all the lime since the start of the grow. Might add lime at the start of the next grow and might add some more during flower. Either that or i might switch to smart pots. Lots more amber tricombs since yesterday. I may go dark tonight and chop Wednesday.



Well-Known Member
if the yellowing is just fan leaves don`t sweet it. if its getting your sugar leaves i would go ahead and start the finish.


Well-Known Member
It is a little bit. I'm going to turn the lights out tonight. Start chopping Wednesday. Do you leave the sugar leaves or trim em? Cause they are loaded!


Well-Known Member
i trim the fans off before i take the plant down. then i just hang it as a whole upside down. i come from a tobacco farming area, i dry my crop about the same way. i use a dark area with some air moving, keep it there till the stem snaps in half instead of bending. most of the sugar leave will be laid over the bud like a blanket, it makes them easier for me to trim them off. i put the sugar leaves in a ziplock and off to the freezer till you have enough do whatever it is your going to do with them. there are a lot of ways to accomplish it look around and see what fits you best. now the dq going where its going i would spend a little more time to keep the look you would expect yourself. but for what you keep around its up to you how you trim `em. just a warning if you add heat to the drying process be careful not to over do it. it`ll take the better part of a week for them dry the way i do it. yours being in the screen they may be wound in there so tight you can`t take it as a whole, then you could go the old cloths line route. now you can do some quick drying for samples of course. i just lay my sample near my heat vent on my laptop while i`m surfing, till its dry enough to burn. you can use a lot of things, cable modems, vcr, ect..
well how does it feel. i remember my first chop i was giddy as a school girl.


Well-Known Member
I'm excited to get this under my belt. I'll probably have to wait till Thursday morning to chop. I won't have enough time tomorrow. I turned the lights off last night at 8pm.


Well-Known Member
Started cutting at 8:30am and just finished up around 1pm. Way to tedious of work for me to do on a daily basis. I ended up with 18.8 ounces of DQ off of 3 plants and 8 ounces of BC off of one plant. The BC i only saved the good buds. The rest went into the trim bag for hash. I plan on hording the BC for myself. The airpots were not root bound but they were woven pretty good. The dirt wouldnt fall apart at all. I had to tear them apart. I plan on getting some more seeds started this weekend. Over all im pretty happy with my first grow. It could have been better but its still not bad.



Well-Known Member
you kicked it, that's for sure. i would get the light off the drying net. the light will degrade the thc. have you tried any samples yet. scrape them scissor and smoke that what are you going with on the next grow. how are you going to process the hash.
you do know that the dry weight will drop down considerably, but its still going to be a good benchmark for you to work with in the future. props to ya, take a bow, pat yourself on the that's my way of saying congratulations. if your were still with your uncle sam you would be doing a photo op with a commander and he`ll give you that insignia to sew sorry flashback.


Well-Known Member
I just had the light on for the picture. Ya I know weigh less when it's dry. Probably going to grow my pennywise next. Thanks for all your help.


Well-Known Member
i figured that's what you were doing with the light but ya never know. if i was able to help i`m glad, just pass it forward sometime, we all need help from time to time.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how I'm going to do the hash. I bought bubble bags but I might do ISO. I ended up with two grocery sacks full of trim so I have enough to use the bubble bags. Not sure which to use. I froze the trim for now.


Well-Known Member
now that i can get to my filter I refilled it. It was filled originally with pellet type charcoal. I replaced it with ground/flake type. Some of it falls thru the holes but wow what a difference it made in smell. Honestly i dont think the pellet type absorbed much if any. Very very messy job though.


Well-Known Member
if you go with the bags i recommend you use a cored drill. but don`t forget cooking, a few cookies before bedtime equals a good nap.
those smaller peices of carbon give you more surface space and it makes a big difference. it is a nasty job, you come out of it looking like you spent the day working in coal mine. but you can never have to much filter.
now that you finished your 1st run, are you going to make any changes to the setup. i know you said that you going to change the screen.


Well-Known Member
I may have over dried. 7 days at 69 degrees and 35% humidity. The stems are still bendy (medium sized ones) but the bud is super dry. Really killed my weight! Like 4 oz of Dq and 1.5 of BC. I ordered some Boveda 62 packs for curing. that might add some weight back.