selfmedicator462's first grow!


Well-Known Member
So im almost to that stage. Just waiting on my nutrients and a few odds and ends to get here. Should be planting by the weekend. Here is a link to my set up Ive been thinking about doing this for about 10 years and am finally to the point I just said fuck it and jumped in head first! Ill be posting more this week. Just wanted to get the ball rolling on my journal.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much fully functional after today. Got my SCROG screen mounted. Installed my intake backdraft damper. Mounted my fire bottle. Stocked my shelves with MREs just in case that zombie shit ever really happens and started soaking my beans. Barney's Blue Cheese Feminized. Tomorrow if they popped im going to stick them in peat pellets in a humidity dome. Im waiting on a new cool tube (cracked the other trying to shorten it), ph and ppm pens. Hopefully that will all be here before I have to transplant.



Well-Known Member
soaked my seeds for 24 hours. Wasnt sure if i should leave them in longer or not so I just transfered them to a damp paper towel. Will check again tomorrow and if they are ready ill put them in jiffy pellets in a humidity dome. Will probably get my soil mixed tomorrow. Ive noticed my grow room has been staying about 65 degrees with nothing running. Its really well insulated and I havent had the furnace running this year yet so the basement is cool. Once the fan is running it will be pulling room temp air in through the intake. My house is usually around 70-74 year round.



Well-Known Member
Just noticed the "do not post in other peoples journal" sticky. Please feel free to comment in mine. If you notice something I could be doing better let me know.


Well-Known Member
looks like you got it all coming together. i liked the setup, looks like you planed it out. don`t ya love it when a plan comes together.


Well-Known Member
So here is my little make shift germination center. I stuck them on top of the plenum on my furnace to germinate but now i have a heat mat. Running a F17T8 full spectrum for light. All seeds had popped with just a little tail hangin out when I put them in the jiffy pellets 2 days ago except for the one that had a half inch tail........she took off like a rocket!! This is only 1 day under a light and 2 days in the pellets. Hope the others pop thru and catch up in the next few days.



Well-Known Member
I ended up digging up the 3 seeds that havent sprouted. Somehow they ended up at the bottom of the jiffy pellets! They werent growing either. Not sure how cause i only planted them a quarter inch deep. So i replanted them and will hope they take off again.


Well-Known Member
I pulled this one out of the dome. It might be getting kinda spindly in there. I went ahead and soaked my 5th Blue Cheese seed today just incase those others dont make it. I dont feel like running lights and fans for one plant. Ill just have one plant a week ahead of the other.



Well-Known Member
so yesterday I pulled it out of the dome and gave it the smallest shot of 1/8 strength nutes and this is what i found this morning. The pellet was pretty dry. This one is 2 weeks old. Should it have been repotted already?



Well-Known Member
you can wait don`t really need the nutes yet. i always wait till i get the 1st leaf set, before i even think about taking them out of the tray or feeding. everybody is different, but the plant can feed off the peat for a little while. those pucks can right into soil no need for a so called transplant, i mean you don`t have remove the stuff from the outside of the puck. this is just me i would leave them in the tray for atleat a few days or maybe a week. i understand this is your 1st grow so the 1st thing above all else your going to have to learn, patience. everything takes time, so try not to rush things along. just try and keep things simple till you get a feel for how everything works. this way if and when you make mistakes you can recover much easier, its easier to figure out the problems and keep things moving. so keep the pucks damp and slow roll and watch what happens and begin to enjoy the new hobby(life style). so far your headed in the right direction, so keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Im wondering if distilled water might have slowed its growth? I went to tap after the "feeding" and its starting to uncurl but its WAY behind for a plant going on 3 weeks. The other 3 are DOA. So I started one more Blue cheese and 3 TGA Dairy Queens. My area in the basement has been staying about 71 or 72 degrees so should I still use a heat mat for germinating?


Well-Known Member
I used to use distilled water, but apparently, I was told that some of the elements are taken away like Calcium and stuff, so now, I just use tap water. My grows are greener now.


Well-Known Member
your temp under the light light is more important now. the mat without a t-stat can make the seedling get kinda lanky but when that starts stop using the mat. tap water is fine till you start getting true leaf sets, then ph`ed tap or light nuted ro`ed water. i think you have the way you tell time off, that seedling is only a few days old. if its took 3 weeks to get to this point we may need to look for some issues. depending on the germ method it should take a healthy seed long to get to this point. if you just put the seeds into a puck and started from there it does take some time to get going, but that like all in this hobby is a matter of personal preference. be careful with the tap water if it is considered hard water(over 350ppm), leave it out overnight for the cholrine to gas off. as for those seeds you said were doa, if the hulls didn`t crack shot me a pm and i`ll give you some pointers on those as well.


Well-Known Member
yeah they all cracked and were planted in pellets but never took off. I dug them up and they are jet black and the taproot is gone :(

I PHed my tap water at 7.5 so i adjusted it down to 6.5. My last Blue cheese was showing its taproot so I planted it in a solo cup with Promix this time. Should I stick with my F17T8 or upgrade to some higher wattage cfls to get them to the "3 sets of leaves" stage?


Well-Known Member
i think you have the way you tell time off, that seedling is only a few days old. if its took 3 weeks to get to this point we may need to look for some issues.
thats actually 3 weeks from soaked seed to what you see there. I think I know what i did wrong. #1 I had it under a dome for 2 weeks. and #2 I had the heat mat on the whole time! I think thats what happened to the rest of the seeds as well.........COOKED! Oh well im learning as I go.


Well-Known Member
well its good that your able to learn as you go. i myself use 3 of the 17w t8 but thats just me. the 17w should be fine for now.
i never had much for those domes i think they get to hot and wet. trays and mats work well for me without the dome.