selfmedicator462's first grow!


Well-Known Member
So this shit just keeps getting weirder.....i planted my last blue cheese in a solo cup of pro mix yesterday. This morning the taproot grew a half inch into the sky!!! I even made double sure it was pointing down. I gently repositioned it. I hope it takes back off. Ive got my 3 dairy queens in a paper towel right now they should be ready tomorrow morning to plant. Should I stick with solo cup or go back to jiffy pellets?


Well-Known Member
i`ve got one question, was it on the heat pad. since you put it back it may come out alright. i`ve saved more than i`ve lost. i use the sponge type plugs mostly and with to much heat this happened more than i like to say, i put a t-stat on the pad or don`t use the pad at all it doesn`t happen much at all.


Well-Known Member
the heating pad is not a bad thing, the seedling just likes the heat and it causes rapid growth. what happens is the tap root doesn`t get the preatration that it needs to secure itself like it should and it`ll push itself right out of the dirt. you can do the very same thing with a hot light. if you have a way to get the air moving around the seedling enough to shake it a bit it`ll help promote root growth for it to secure itself. don`t put a fan right on it, just shake it a little. just think gently swaying in the breeze.


Well-Known Member
My upside down bean that I adjusted yesterday poked through the right way this time! The curled up bluecheese got transplanted in a solo cup with promix and has opened up and looking alot better. My 3 dairy queens all popped and have been placed in jiffy cubes. Trying no heat mat this time. No dome either. I think half of my problem was the cubes were too wet.


Well-Known Member
thats i said heat is good but you have to watch it to see when its to much. this being your 1st try keep things as simple as you can to see 1st hand how things work. tweaking and try to maximize everything before you get the basics can be difficult to say the least. so be patient and get a feel for how everything intertwines and works together.


Well-Known Member
Did some more building today. DIY seeding/cloning cabinet. Used the F17T8 i had for the top seeding compartment and 3 23 watt 6500k CFLs down below. A radio shack 120 volt 65 cfm fan to move some air. Some very time consuming reflective material installation and im done. The cabinet was $44 and is 21" x 30" and 12" deep. Damn fan was $29. Coulda got it cheaper online but didnt want to wait.

The 3 dairy queens popped up today. I had them on the window sill while i stole their light to install in the box. My last blue cheese wasnt opening up and i looked at it really close and it had part of the seed (like a popcorn hull) stuck on it. I gently took it off and it sprung open! Wonder if thats why its kinda dark colored?



Well-Known Member
added some humidity to my clone cabinet. 2 days in the box and my seedlings are looking great. Only wish I would have done this a month ago. The three in jiffy pellets are Dairy Queens and the one in the solo cup is Blue Cheese. The cabinet is really holding a nice steady temp. Dont pay any attention to the "low temp" on the thermometer cause i had that sitting out before I put it in there. The room the box is in stays about 71 and 40% humidity.


Well-Known Member
you got it going on now. i`m glad you have everything headed forward and looking good. keep it up man and you`ll be smoking some home grown before you know it.


Well-Known Member
Dang I wish I would have built this box a month ago!! These things are growing good now. The jiffy pellets dry out pretty fast. At what point should I pot up to a solo cup or 1 gallon? Ive read to wait till roots show through.



Well-Known Member
i like to see roots. but as i said earlier everyone is different in the way they choose to do them. i`m not a soil guy so i`m not sure how to answer your question on the cup vs 1 gallon pots. but i do know that root binding can be good and give so faster growth. with that being said what i would do is wait till i see roots then go to the cups, till i see roots coming from the bottom of the cup then to the 1 gallon pots.
keep those trays wet, a lot of the water is going to evaporation. i never had much trouble watering trays more than a few times a day. are you using ph`ed water yet? with some of the yellowing coming it might be a good time to start. in the pics it looks like some yellowing starting in the center of the plant. your the one that has the correct view and the pics could be misleading, so if it is starting then you can make the call.


Well-Known Member
it should be fine, that's all i use, just the little cheap thing from wallyworld. you set it up on something to be above your plants or use a wall to deflect it to gently shake those girls a little bit, that should do the trick.