selfmedicator462's first grow!


Well-Known Member
thats the same fan i use. it had got to be great it just has to work. i think the last one i had lasted 4 years or so.


Well-Known Member
Well i added 3 more 23w CFLs. Mounted my fan to the wall and "ducted" my humidifier. Also potted up my jiffy pellets to cups. They are droopy now.....i hope thats just cause they got watered. I can really see the stem growth after i added the fan a few days ago. The extra bulbs pushed my temp to 82 but then after i got some humidity in there and waited a few hours its down to 78.



Well-Known Member
i like the fan mounting, that's cool. i`ve never use a humidifier at all. i will point out the an observation, by adding the extra lights the heat should go up some that will increase evaporation, which in turn raises the humidity, then adding the humidifier you have should have some wet air in that cabinet. i not saying that's what is causing the droopyness, it may just be the transplant, every time you move them it takes a few days for them to acclimate to the new digs so give them a bit and see if they don`t bounce back. this being your 1st shot at this is the reason i pointed out that about the humidity. i`ve never had a need to raise the humidity that much, in a small space with the heat of the light can cause a lot of evaporation that you just don`t think about.
everything is looking good so far, it wont be long and those seedling will be stretching out.


Well-Known Member
checked in on them this morning and the temp was 88 and rh was 30%. I stuck another thermometer in there to see how accurate they are. Also left the door to that room open to get some cooler air.


Well-Known Member
well with it that low i could guess the area that your in, i can tell i have never had it that low. it`ll be a grace when you get to finishing. like i said i think the wilt look is due to transplant, so give them a few days to acclimate and they should perk right back and take off.


Well-Known Member
The big one was planted 10/23/13 and the others a few days later. But they were all in jiffy cubes first. Its not showing any signs of yellowing or anything yet. Wonder when i need to start thinking about feeding?



Well-Known Member
checked my runoff today and it was 5.8 using 6.0 water. I checked my ppm of my filtered tap water too. It was 540! Im kind of confused whether i should be using it or not. I have some mild nutes in distilled water that is 150ppm. Just seems high for tap water. I plan on getting a RO system at some point.


Well-Known Member
they get a little droopy after watering. I watered till i saw runoff yesterday. These solo cups have flat sides so you can give the cup a quarter turn and it will sit about an inch off the bottom of the other cup....more room to drip.



Well-Known Member
Still a little droopy from Mondays water job. I know not to feed until at least the 4th week or so but when i you feed just like you water? until you have runoff? and how often? every other water?



Well-Known Member
So i came home from work and found this. Any ideas? its only on this one plant. The smallest of the bunch. I havent done anything different other than move them closer to the lights but there is still about 2.5 inches away. Havent fed them yet either so it cant be nute burn.



Well-Known Member
540 is hard water, so yes i would use some distilled or ro`ed water with a quarter of the nutes called for on the label, or what the label has on there for seedlings. make sure you start to ph your water from her on out.


Well-Known Member
Added a 2700 and 5000k bulb to my cabinet. It was recommended so i tried it. My furnace is running more so my humidity came up to around 45% in the house. So i shut off the little humidifier. The one is still brown on the edges and the other 2 DQs are getting kinda yellow on the tips of the first set of leaves. Ive been told not to worry about it.

That Blue Cheese is gonna be one stinky plant! It already reaks!!!



Well-Known Member
your going to loose those bottom leaves sooner or later. if it were me i would cut the dead places out where i marked the line in the pic.. like i said thats what i would do, i`ll tell you why this is the way i do it. the plant will use energy and resources to try and heal itself, in this case it`ll do it till he leaf dies. but if you cut off the affected area the cut will heal and do it very quickly. like i said you can do a little research into that, just another thing to learn. i`m sending you a pm over another issue you need to address.

photo 2.JPG


Well-Known Member
a few days since i turned off the humidifier and things are looking better. The cups all feel pretty light but im gonna try and hold off till sunday or monday to water again. Last water was Wednesday.


Well-Known Member
actually..........yeah! Its kinda satisfying making something grow. It keeps me occupied. Oh and normally with my PTSD id probably be staring out the window every 3 minutes or jumping if i heard a siren but ive been pretty calm. I just dont really give a shit. I think that i worked it out to be legit in my head to treat my issues so it doesnt matter ya know.

Plants are looking alot better since i ditched the humidifier. Since i trimmed the leaves that one looks alot better. Ill post pics later today.