selfmedicator462's first grow!


Well-Known Member
Looks good, I'm just starting a grow also. Not my first, but it looks like you already have more money in yours than I do. Should come out good.



Well-Known Member
So the Blue Cheese is 3 weeks old to the day and the Dairy queens are 3 days behind. All of them are starting to get yellow leaves on the bottom. The BC always looks droopy for some reason. Doesnt matter if its dry or wet. Is it time for nutes?



Well-Known Member
i would say yes it looks like its time to feed them puppy`s. i can`t say this enough i`m not going to be much help when it comes to feeding in dirt. i would start low and work my way up, like 25% or 50% nute strength and work my way up. just keep an eye on how they react to them.
i took this pic this morning before the lights came on. i thought it would be a good idea to show it to you, so you could see just how resilient these plants can be. i broke the top about 3 weeks ago, but i just let it go. i watched the fan leaves on the broken part of the cola, it never has shown any problems so i just let it go. the red arrow is the pointing to the top of the cola, the blue circle is the area that broke, below the arrow you can see the fan is the same color as the others. once i had a light fall a few weeks before harvest, it cut the main stem of a plant, i made a splint for it and it never missed a beat.

20131113_080438 (Large).jpg


Well-Known Member
So the Blue Cheese is 3 weeks old to the day and the Dairy queens are 3 days behind. All of them are starting to get yellow leaves on the bottom. The BC always looks droopy for some reason. Doesnt matter if its dry or wet. Is it time for nutes?
It could take some light nutes, I wouldn't go full dose yet though.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna mix up a gallon of 1/8th strength nutes tomorrow. I was told with promix I could go 3 or 4 weeks without feeding but I also read peat has almost no nutes in it. It's a learning process. Next grow will be shit hot!


Well-Known Member
Since I had 5 hrs of light left tonight I went ahead and fed. Mixed up some mild nutes at 128 ppm in distilled water. That's about 1/8th strength for veg+bloom.


Well-Known Member
they handled the mild nutes ok so i think ill bump them up to quarter strength next time. The blue cheese is already coming out of its funk after only a day.


Well-Known Member
good deal..............glad they are moving forward. here just a thought to kind in the back of your mind for later down the road, your running 2 different strains. there are times when you have different strains you will have different feeding requirements, it may even happen with the same strain with different pheno. it may be subtle it maybe major you just have to wait and see. i ran into a wall of pain on this grow with that very problem, except i had 3 strains feeding from the same reservoir. one of the strains i`m running is a very very light feeder ones a heavy feeder and the other it didn`t seem to mind which way the feeding went. in short it was a pain trying to keep them happy and it made my yield suffer. i was making a run looking for new mothers so i wasn`t expecting much in the way of yield so no harm no foul. this is not something you need to worry about, its something to keep in mind. if you`ve never run a strain before or a grow before(in your case) you have to make some calls as you go along, once you`ve run it or grew you have notes to fall back on. some like to call that dialing in, its nothing more than experience. your getting that everyday now. ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah the only reason im running two strains right now is the other 3 BC seedlings died. Tried the filters go. that PC fan will not pull ANY air through them. Might have to just stick with some air freshener till i get them moved into the larger grow room. might invest in an ozone generator.

Next grow ill probably start feeding after i get a few sets of leaves instead of waiting 4 weeks. I think within 2 weeks in promix i had a couple good sets growing. Its kinda cool how those mild nutes started to green up those yellow leaves. They all straightened out and i swear the runt doubled in size over night. Ill probably go 1/4 strength next feed which should be sunday or monday. They have been drying up pretty quick. Hope that translates into good roots.


Well-Known Member
I just fed for the second time. I bumped the ppm up to 350 this time. I think the damage is done to the BC's bottom 2 leafs. Should I trim them? They seem to have handled the nutes ok. I fed em yesterday morning. Should I keep increasing my nutes each time? I read somewhere that seedlings can handle 500-600ppm. Are they ready for my 400w MH?



Well-Known Member
yes to cutting the for the lights go for it..................nutes we`ve talked about keep going up till they say slow down.

did you find anything in those links, or are you still looking.


Well-Known Member
Moved them into the grow room. Dropped the light down. Got it running 75%. Fan is running 50%. Wonder what the temps will be like in that space. Gonna check it this afternoon and see if i need to speed up the fan. Trimmed the dead leaves off the BC and increased my ppm of my nutes to 460. Wont need to feed till probably mid week. Should I continue to feed till I see signs of stress or should I water in between? They look tiny in that room and the room is small!



Well-Known Member
i hate to say it but with very limited experience with dirt, i`m going to shy away from the feeding answer for the moment. i really don`t want to give you bad advice. they do look small now but it will not be long before you start to fill that screen. the temp is looking good now, when you change bulbs the temp will go up. the hps is a hotter bulb temp wise. don`t worry about the nutes we`ll get it before you need them.


Well-Known Member
with the fan on low and the light on 75% the temp was 77 degrees this morning. Outside temp was 74. So not bad. Ill be able to speed up my fan when I switch to HPS and crank the ballast up. the BC was still a bit yellow but they arent dry enough to feed again. Think im going to repot mid week.


Well-Known Member
telling you the hps was hotter was just an fyi. your temps are great. the yellowing is no worries at all for now. i did do some asking about your feeding, it seems a lot of dirt growers do the same as hydro growers. feeding once a week and then plain ph`ed water in between. in your case i would bring up the ppm`s in your mid week feeding then go with the plain on the next one, after that i would go to your full on feeding.
did you find anything in those links that would solve your filter problem for your little space.


Well-Known Member
I'm in my big room now so it's got a big filter. I'll be able to run the clone cabinet without I guess. Is 450 ppm goin to be enough on the next feed or should I bring it up more?


Well-Known Member
i know you switched rooms, i just wondered if you found something. as for the feeding i wouldn`t be afraid of half of what you plan to feed them.