selfmedicator462's first grow!


Well-Known Member
they should start to grow a little faster. that good you had some to show sex already. i forgot to ask before your flip but have your branching changes from symmetrical to asymmetrical. that is when the plant is showing it is mature. what it looks like would be instead of putting 2 leaf sets evenly at the top, it will start to put out just one set. its not going to do you much good if your growing with a scog but its just good to know. this just gets overlooked today by most growers, its part of the life cycle of the plant. sorry for such a sad pic but i didn`t have time to find one so art program will have to do.
if you have any questions about the preflowers just toss up a pic and i`ll do what i can. this is the thing that most new growers have problems with or just fear the most. it`s simple and after this one there will be no problems for you spot from here on out.


Well-Known Member
the first one is for sure a girl, the one in #3 is a almost maybe, from the pic., i blew it up but i can`t see it for sure. if they don`t look like the 1st pic. i would get my hopes up. the one in the 3rd pic to looks like the one in the 1st pic.. the group shots are looking good. you have some very healthy looking plants.


Well-Known Member
I really like the veg+bloom nutes. So fricken easy. Once I figured out I needed to ph my water/nutes at 6.9 to end up 6.0ish when I checked run off they really grew.


Well-Known Member
i would, like to do it just before the flip or just after. the growth should pickup its pace for while during the stretch.


Well-Known Member
I think i have 3 female TGA Dairy Queens! I thought the pics were better but they all look like the first one. I trimmed all the under brush. Hindsight i probably should have done that weeks ago. I bumped my nutes up to 850ppm on tuesday and they seemed to handle it pretty good. Ill shoot for 950 next feed. I was vegging at 700ppm and was told by week 3 of flower i should be between 1000 and 1500ppm.



Well-Known Member
if they look like the 1st then i would say they are. hindsight is just a wonderful thing lol! my grandfather always told me if you don`t learn something new everyday your not living. as far as your ppm it depends on your meter, they have no standard. the meter companies like hanna uses a .5 conversion rate while other use .7. over the years i`ve got to where i don`t check my ppm much if any at all. when i have troubles i may check it. i worry more about my ph. now you just getting started i would recommend you check anything. if you keep your ph inline the plant will tell you via the leaves what it needs, like the earler problem you had, after a while it just becomes second nature. on to the good stuff. man that group shot looks great, you`ve done a good job with those girls so far. i would start shopping around for a few cases of jars if you don`t already have `em.
now for a problem that might show up in a few weeks, it may or may not happen. the shiny air ducting you have may cause light hot spots. i had never seen it before till my last grow and it drove me crazy trying to figure out what was the cause of all of the burnt leaves i was having. i made a change in my garden area, i moved my filter and the light reflected off the ducting was burning the shit out of the 2 plants closest to it.
like i said you may not have any problem with it, and i wouldn`t change anything till the if or when it happens. i haven`t seen much of this happening since people were trying to cover cabinets with mirrors.


Well-Known Member
almost 100% positive i have 3 females!! Getting lots of pistels showing now. I put a new vent on the outside of the house yesterday cause the old dryer vent flaps were constantly open so I went with a covered one that points down.....anyhow i could smell mj a little. I dont think i have any leaks in me tubing. Thinking maybe i just bought a el'cheapo filter off ebay. Not sure if i should refill it or just buy a new one.



Well-Known Member
you do some more trimming under the screen if you want. it is filling nicely.
you can never get enough air filter.


Well-Known Member
I think im done stuffing under the screen. Really dont have anywhere else for them to go. Ive got roughly 3 feet they can grow up now. Getting lots of bud sites. Trimming in my grow sucks cause of the screen and having to kneel on the floor. At this stage anyhow. Next grow ill make sure i trim earlier. Really impressed how these handle increases in nutes. Im up to 1200 ppm now. I probably could have went stronger during veg.



Well-Known Member
Im thinking 4 plants is the MAX i can fit in this space!! These things are literally growing 2" a day at least since i upped the nutes to 1200ppm. Tons of flowers. I hope i have enough height to last another 4 weeks.



Well-Known Member
like i said earlier this is the fun part. your about to see all kinds of new things. i don`t think the dq`s will strech that much, but watch them. looks like everything is rockin` as it should, they look nice.


Well-Known Member
i fed at 1300ppm yesterday. Ill continue to up it every week. Ive read a max of 1500ppm with these nutes. After studying my grow this morning i now have a new the hell am i going to get the screen off the plants to harvest?



Well-Known Member
"how the hell am i going to get the screen off the plants to harvest?" it aint nothing but a step for a! if thats all you have to worry about then your doing great. you have awhile before you have to worry about that, i bet you`ll have it figured out by then.
they are looking great, makes me want to run a screen again.