Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone


Well-Known Member
ok here is one for ya. now i seen it beginning a few days ago when the buds started forming. the 1st sign was one leaf started getting darker and kinda waxy, thats when i should have started the first aid for it. i let it go so i could let you see what happens when a mobile nutrient gets your plant. the mobile stuff doesn`t start in one given spot, like at the bottom or the tops plant, it can start anywhere. this is what is we call clawing, it is nitrogen toxicity. for some reason i have to much nitrogen in my mix, it could be a few things that could caused it. most likely i used to much maxi bloom(bud booster) for the plant, i`m thinking its not enough circulation in that area of the system. this will kill your plants, but it is an easy fix. i`am going to put it in quarantine till its better(a day or so), and just feed it ph`ed water. notice how some of the leaves are turning downward and almost twisting and in one shot you can see others that aren`t effected yet. this is not the only clawing effect you will see, over watering and some under watering will also cause it in soil. you need to be sure what has caused it before you act. mine being in hydro with a good ph, it was easy to diagnose.
color.jpg clawing.jpg not all of them.jpg


Well-Known Member
it was but it was also very shiny compared to the rest. i caught this early. that is why i showed it to ya. later it would have turn the leaves all yellow and dried out and its harder to figure out what happened. the give away is how the end of the leaf turns down. i`ll end up spend most of today tiring to figure out what caused it. the last time i ran these farms tied together i had trouble with one pot at the end of the line like this one. i thought that adding a pump would eliminate this, but i`am not so sure it did. i`ve been watching them very close, because of past trouble. i just wanted you to see it because it better to catch this one early.


Well-Known Member
thats cool, i like the little hoop there as well. i`ve not seen that before, i`ve seen buds on fan leaf but not a double.


Well-Known Member
its cute! lmfao
i`ve been working on my setup all day. i think i have all the kinks ironed out. i should have another air pump at the first of the week and that should have everything on the go. oh yeah it was the system that caused the sick plant, i had a kink in the water line that slowed/stopped the water flow at that bucket. the ppms were 700 higher there vs the rest. oops! did you see the pics of the air pump i had that melted down? ugly i mean burn down the house ugly.


Well-Known Member
i can`t believe it is still working. i have started looking into systems like yours for the new room, i had a timer do something similar last year. it was the same issue a wire placed in the wrong place. i can see one of those systems as a worthy investment, if nothing else just for the peace of mind.


Well-Known Member
the ones i`ve looked at for the room sizes are around $80 shipped, i got to have 3 of them. the flower rooms are only going to have the lamps in them no ballast, everything else will be in the veg/utility area. most of it will be on 1 wall, sub panel, receptacles and all the components. i may be able to just use 1 of them. i got some friends that do this stuff for a living i`m thinking about talking to them and getting some recommendations. i not sure what i`m going to do but i will do something.