Selling clones


Well-Known Member
Ok the stuff that I am growing would sell for about 60 a 1/8 in my area and my buddy came to me and asked if I knew someone that would sell some clones. My question is, how much should I sell them for?
how much do they produce per plant? only sell 2 clones at the most.

maybe $20 for 2

how good of a friend is this person?
If their hardy, strong, 5incherz or more,50$ should be good.You already did all the work ,buying the seeds,growing the plant,getting a female .
Not really good friends with him but im not going to screw anyone.

They produce about an ounce+ per plant
SoCal price is $10 to $25 each ($10 only in LA area) Sometimes even a 4 clone minimum.

$15 is fair.

Ok the stuff that I am growing would sell for about 60 a 1/8 in my area and my buddy came to me and asked if I knew someone that would sell some clones. My question is, how much should I sell them for?

If you can sell for $60 an 1/8th why the Hell would you sell any clones? Dont EVER give away your genetics if your selling your product. Your just handing someone an opportunity to cut out half of your business.

Personally, I would ONLY EVER sell clones to a friend, or someone who has no idea how to clone and just wants to flower them out in a closet or something.

And when I do sell clones out here in BC, where an 1/8 of AAA goes for $30, I only charge maybe $10 for a clone rooted.

Just think about it for a second though. You can make $20 now for selling 2 clones, OR you can grow those plants yourself and sell the 2 ounces for like $400 each.

If you can sell for $60 an 1/8th why the Hell would you sell any clones? Dont EVER give away your genetics if your selling your product. Your just handing someone an opportunity to cut out half of your business.

Personally, I would ONLY EVER sell clones to a friend, or someone who has no idea how to clone and just wants to flower them out in a closet or something.

And when I do sell clones out here in BC, where an 1/8 of AAA goes for $30, I only charge maybe $10 for a clone rooted.

Just think about it for a second though. You can make $20 now for selling 2 clones, OR you can grow those plants yourself and sell the 2 ounces for like $400 each.


Well for one I dont sell, it is all for personal use And from what I was hearing he is going to be doing the same thing. So it really dosent matter to me anyways. Cheaper to grow then buy.
Well for one I dont sell, it is all for personal use And from what I was hearing he is going to be doing the same thing. So it really dosent matter to me anyways. Cheaper to grow then buy.

I'm going to just sit back and chuckle because I am going through the same thing where I am.:mrgreen:
Depends who it is. If you know him 10 bucks, if hes just some guy your not to close with 20 bucks. Make some money here. Its not ripping anyone off at all. Your doing this guy a big favor you could probably get 100 bucks each if you wanted too. Just give them to him for 20 each. Cause like it was already said you did all the work, and guessing. If you think about it feminized seeds cost like around 15-20 bucks each, sometimes more(judging on theattitude). So if you pay that much for a feminized seed and feminized clone should cost more, unless it was from a feminized seed because of that whole controveresy over feminized seeds being bad cause they promote hermis and some other crap.
dam i pay 5-10 for a clone, actualy my 1 friend hooks me like 3 for 5$

are u aloud to post asking for to buy clones on here? if so anyone in TO down to niagara area who got some purple kush, og kush, chemdawg, or other rare clones?
For only $10. To much work involved for selling um so cheap.

Only if your taking 1 clone at a time. When I take clones I take a batch of like 50-100, even though I need less than half of them, its nice to have extras. There have been days where I threw away over 50 perfectly healthy rooted clones just because I had no space to grow them.

If I could have sold them for $10 each I probably would have if it was a friend. But I would rather keep my genetics for myself. :lol:
