Selling SEEDS and not POLLEN?


Well-Known Member
sorta as my title asks.. i think someone should start selling pollen and seeds together.. i guess it would sorta hurt profits if you could get quality pollen from someone and just get a couple seeds out of your whole grow... well post your thoughts on this :leaf:

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
More fun to do it yourself. Can't take all the effort out of it. If your going to let someone else choose the genetic traits, then just buy their seeds.


Well-Known Member
the seed companies will never start doing that...if you start breeding your own wont need to buy from then anymore.why do you think they are pushing fem seeds...if everyone buys fem seeds only...then you have to keep going back and getting more...but they keep reg seeds around to keep prices down.and if you do get a male from seed..your not going to want to breed those same genetics over and over you have to buy more seeds

edit: did not mention clones since not everyone takes clones from plants