Selling to dispensaries in CO....

Jeepster were u talking to me?? if so yea im a volunteer at a local dispensary where im from and im also a card holder..i dont know how it works in Co but over here in cali if you got a card u can sell your shit to the dispensary's u dont sign no damn contracts lol..i even know dude's who own clubs who go through street dealers lol u just gotta know people to make it happen its not about breaking any laws..shit people break laws need 2 act like squares
No. If I was addressing you I would have addressed you specifically, and sorry if I seem irritated or rude, I'm not trying to be. Input is appreciated.

It was a general statement. Here in Colorado, things are changing fast, and not very many people are aware of the new laws and regulations that affect growers and patients. There are going to be lots of disappointed people who move here or think they can make money being a caregiver, it just isn't going to happen though unless things change.

For example, I know a guy who is still growing 50+ plants at several different spots. He has paperwork for dozens of patients and thinks he's totally compliant and legal, which he is not after July 1st. It's sad to me that he thinks he wouldn't be in trouble if the cops come knocking. That's the ignorance I was talking about.

However, I do feel the need to discuss legal versus illegal, because there are serious ramifications now and there are rogue police departments busting grows that are medical related. Believe me, it needs to be discussed.
there bustin people like that in cali to..u just gotta be smart cuz there are some dick cops out there trying to make case's out of court its a different story though..if the grower got patients papers and patients testifying on there behalf then the courts CANT do anything as long as they were following the county law..that's for every county that has medical far as the july 1st law change, im not aware of that. Is it just for Colorado?
You can google or wiki them, but there were two pieces of legislation, 1284 and 109. Dispensaries went away and are now called Medical Marijuana Centers. Private growers can still grow but are limited to six patients times six plants.

There was a grower who went on the news to brag about his million dollar grow (edit: before these new laws). I'm sure someone thought to ask whether he paid taxes on the income or at the point of sale (obviously he didn't), so he got raided. They found out he's within 1000 feet of a school and he's got a criminal past, so he was made a poster child. Being a private, for-profit grower is now illegal in Colorado, unless you pay $1200 and make an arrangement with an MMC to do something called an optional premise license.

This booming industry is good for 'patients', but it's pushing those types back underground.
for every grow spot we have it cost $1200... for the 500 plant license it cost us $7500.

70% of our product has to be produced in house the other 30% we can purchase from other stores.
In my uninformed opinion, you shouldn't be growing plants in colorado without having consulted and retaining an MMJ specific lawyer.

Remember that you're getting your info on the internet. ?

The OPL is what the MMC needed for us to provide meds to them. Is that not right? :-/
in Boulder the applications aren't due yet...

The OPCL, [Optional Premise Cultivation License] application and $1200 fee had to be submitted by the dispensary by 8/1. If not, they can submit another one until 7/2011, and even then it is after local licensing and approval. This is for the Colorado State licenses... I know nothing about the local Boulder regs so you are on your own there.

If you are considering growing for a dispensary you have to read and understand the law. Here is a link to it:
This is my 1st post here but do follow a couple threads and I'm active elsewhere on the net.
After reading this thread, one thing really pops out -

Cali.Grown>408, you're confusing people by your constant comments all related to CA law. Please be aware that CO is VERY different than CA. Thank you for your input but premember the patients in this subforum are Colorado patients. With the rules changing as much as they are, it's confusing enough. So I ask please don't add to the confusion by stating what happens in CA. Someone could easily just be skimming through posts and think that what you have posted is CO-related.
In my uninformed opinion, you shouldn't be growing plants in colorado without having consulted and retaining an MMJ specific lawyer.

Remember that you're getting your info on the internet. ?


You're saying everyone who wants to cultivate their own medicine needs to talk to an attorney? That would be ideal but not everyone can afford that you know? People cultivate their own not only because they known exactly how it's grown but because it is a lot cheaper....

The dispensaries lawyer is who we got our information from - there is a lot of confusion with these laws and even some lawyers are admitting that they were confused. It never hurts to get more than one opinion, whether it be from the internet or not.
The OPCL, [Optional Premise Cultivation License] application and $1200 fee had to be submitted by the dispensary by 8/1. If not, they can submit another one until 7/2011, and even then it is after local licensing and approval. This is for the Colorado State licenses... I know nothing about the local Boulder regs so you are on your own there.

If you are considering growing for a dispensary you have to read and understand the law. Here is a link to it:

Yeah, we've read it and had the attorney explain any questions we had throughly to us - we are good to go!
You're saying everyone who wants to cultivate their own medicine needs to talk to an attorney? That would be ideal but not everyone can afford that you know? People cultivate their own not only because they known exactly how it's grown but because it is a lot cheaper....

The dispensaries lawyer is who we got our information from - there is a lot of confusion with these laws and even some lawyers are admitting that they were confused. It never hurts to get more than one opinion, whether it be from the internet or not.

I was saying that in the spirit of the thread. Obviously each person will weigh the risk to do something that's still illegal federally. That simply can not be ignored.

I will agree that small scale or personal stuff would be fine, but that's not what this thread is about. It's about selling pot to dispensaries, and anyone growing pot to sell to an MMC is an idiot for not consulting an attorney. Especially if you are growing any large number of plants.

Obviously, this is only one random person on the internets' interpretation. Personally, I have too much to lose in my personal and professional life to not bother getting professional advice. And that's just for my home grow. I don't have any sort of growing relationship (with an MMC) and I don't care to, but it's amazing to me that people are so willing to plow ahead without ensuring you are aware of the legalities of what you're doing.

I was just saying that take whatever you read here with a grain of salt.
I was saying that in the spirit of the thread. Obviously each person will weigh the risk to do something that's still illegal federally. That simply can not be ignored.

I will agree that small scale or personal stuff would be fine, but that's not what this thread is about. It's about selling pot to dispensaries, and anyone growing pot to sell to an MMC is an idiot for not consulting an attorney. Especially if you are growing any large number of plants.

Obviously, this is only one random person on the internets' interpretation. Personally, I have too much to lose in my personal and professional life to not bother getting professional advice. And that's just for my home grow. I don't have any sort of growing relationship (with an MMC) and I don't care to, but it's amazing to me that people are so willing to plow ahead without ensuring you are aware of the legalities of what you're doing.

I was just saying that take whatever you read here with a grain of salt.

I agree with you 100%. I think it is very important to obtain professional advice when cultivating a large number of plants, I was just saying that because I know of several people who have their edible card and aren't associated with a MMC but they aren't financially able to pay the fees most attorneys want just for a consultation... that's why coming online can be helpful. You do have to take everything on with with a grain of salt though - you had a good point and I wasn't trying to sound bitchy at all. :-)