Selling to Dispensaries?

Yeah, there are a lot of folks trying to cash in with limited success. Like the guy I sold a light to on CL who mentioned that he is new to the area and with his partners are doing a 99 plant grow in a rental. He didn't say how he was unloading the bulk, but I suggested he be low profile and he said that wasn't necessary because it is legal now. I couldn't argue, but damn. He said as long as they stay at 99 it wouldn't draw the attention of the feds. I do not share his optimism or fearless-ness.:shock::peace:

That gave me a good chuckle. XD
lol yea im sorry, was a big fan of Colorado, we'v been visitong in C-Sprigs for 3 days now... biggest shit talkers and wannabs ever... man i miss Colorado when i was yunger...
Cause you aren't hanging around the right people! I know a half dozen guys down there that would show you a good time, if you didn't come on here talking shit about our state.
AH people like this are reason im glad its getting legal and structured.. dont come here and break our laws..go away.... we dont need illegal growers anymore (unless your supplying kids) and it doesn't take feds to bust you for breaking state laws. I really don't want my tax dollars to have to feed you as you rot for a few years on our dime because your trying to screw things up we just got started so go back home..come back when shops are setup so you dont have to deal with us rude shit talkers. I am sure at that point in time will be plenty of places that will want your business and will kiss your ass for you so you dont have to make friends or be a decent human being.
Unfortunately, a surprising amount of the shops will buy from peeps off the street if the proprietor feels he can get away with it.

The feds are having a hard time tracking the vast amount of cannabis being produced, and distributed through countless dispensaries.

With so much pot growing every where, I'd hate to be the one” regulating” our mmj laws.
Imagine if weed really WAS growing everywhere, the price would plummet, pot shop/grow robberies would effectively stop, the drug war would end as far as weed goes both here and in Mexico and our collective sanity would slowly return after decades of prohibition.
There are other business opportunities. If anyone would like to chat PM me. Only interested in talking to experienced growers. (+5 years)
Pretty sure you need to be a Colorado resident to grow legally here so please stay out. Meet quite a few folks growing from out of town and I must say those contacts are ones that I will lose as they just want a quick buck and they don't care who they rip off. Do we really need that in our culture my opinion is it gives us legit growers a bad name as we are grouped in with these types.
wow didnt know there were good growers and bad growers,you guys from colorado are the shit.You remind me of politicians who vote themselves pay raises while denying unemployment benefit extensions and voting against increasing the minimum wage.
As a Colorado grower I am uncomfortable with people coming here with the idea of doing an illegal grow and selling on the black market. I do want to see the end of prohibition and appreciate that the cops/courts/jails see a good business from these people, but personally I would like to see fewer busted grows. If you want to see more legalization then do things that will help the effort. Best thing to do now is get a red card and grow a legal garden and do business with local dispensaries that grow quality products. I am looking for a Twirling Hippy reseller today so I can get some of that great medible goodness, better than anything I can make at home, and get the extra kick that comes from supporting a business that is helping to move the legal situation in the right direction. I think that new homes should be built with a grow room as standard.
There are other business opportunities. If anyone would like to chat PM me. Only interested in talking to experienced growers. (+5 years)

I would be interested in chatting with you. I have many years of growing experience and I'm interested in possibly selling to dispensaries.
Yeah sorry folks CO is not CA. One will NEVER, as laws stand, be able to sell. One is not allowed to have an mmc without a direct connection to a shop.
Lots of other ways to make money through the industry. Probably make more money with less headache as well
And I work IN the industry

Curious on how things have cooled down as the initial rush may have passed. Very interesting how there are pot tours that drive you to different head shops and services for food while exploring the area. Home brew 420... interested