SEM0R5 Outdoor Grow


Active Member
The madness and the sourjack were freebies right?

I have a Madness I havent germed yet, gonna wait to see how yours turns out ;)

Our SourJacks look way diff too.

You mind if I put a pic up to show you?

As far as container size; I would put them all in 5 gal Geopots..
Yea post a picture I would love to compare the 2.

Do you think that 5 gallon SmartPot would grow a bigger and happier plant than a 7 gallon hard pot?

Here is a picture of the sourJack


Active Member
well its been a while since i've updated. I have been Busy with work and everything else in life.


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JackHerrer- Clone a buddy just gave to me. shes in 5 gallon GeoPot w/ FFOF. Stuck her outside this am.


Active Member
SourJack, gallon pot. She got a little overwatered.

University 101 OG clone, 30 days old.

Qush 2 DAY 46- LST, 7gal GeoPot w/ SS and FFOF.


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OG13. Day 46- LST 10 gallon Hardpot w/ SS and FFoF. Biggest and happiest plant. all the plants in bigger pots were tansplanted with mykos only 2 days ago and are happy as ever.