semen-like goo in my aero cloner


Active Member
Yep i have no hydro experience at all!! therefor i must be COMPLETELY IGNORANT!!! And these roots that you are looking at must be a figment of your imagination!!! Oh and by the way the water is at 81 degrees as of 5 minutes ago. Skin that cat Baron Loudblunts.............:hump::hump::hump::hump:

I thought you would never ask..


IMO...the flowering bud looks like shit and the one you show is big but picked way to early.....


Active Member
HUH i thought that's what this thread was about.... Clones or did the semen word catch your eye?

You must be proud kiss-ass

Once again it must have been the semen....

Dont know but i bet i wont be looking up semen threads to help me out.

Once again you must be proud..kiss-ass

Your right this is a learning experence not a "you must do it this way or your ingnorant" But since you and LB seem to think that you can save the world from ourselves knock your socks off!!!!

I knew it!!!!!! There is a Baron hood of WEED!!!!! and you are the jester!!! GP The Baron wants his high horse back..

Ahhh LB and I have somewhat called a draw on that so your kind of coming in late and as far as bad info there is a whole thread dedicated to Areo Cloning and how other members do it or not do it why dont you go there and spread your great knowledge?

NOOBS are what they are you can lead a horse to water but they will still pee on thier plants....

I KNEW IT IT WAS THE SEMEN!!!!!! THread name Semen like goo in my AREO CLONER!!!!!!!!!!!

WHatever you say ........ for a cloner, it will work kiss-ass

OMG!!!!! YOUR THE BEST HYDRO GROWER ON THE PLANTET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am on bended knee BEGGING for your mercy. kiss-ass And the Baron Of WEED still wants his high horse back ..........

We all have our crosses to bear and from what i have seen on this board if you dont research properly you will start over at some point.

NO YOUR NOT !!!!! YOu knew exsactly what you were writing and ment every word of it. BITE ME!!!!!! Kudos to you :finger:

This must be the biggest dick head in the world...Tryong to kill peoples should be forced to drink you slime


Well-Known Member
Wow. Let's try this again. :wall:
I've been fighting this problem for some time, and I'm having trouble finding solutions.

As far as I know, it is white-rot fungus. It causes my pH to shoot way up past 8.0. It appears in my still water if there is any nutes mixed in. Mine was not a result of high temps. I think it has something to do with light exposure. H2O2 doesn't combat it very well.

And it doesn't matter how much pH down I use. 4.0 red will turn 8.0 blue in 24hrs.

I've read milk is good at killing fungus on plants, but I haven't found anything about fight white-rot in reservoirs/water supply.

It is the white stuff at the bottom of this sample

