Sen. McCain set to screw Trump, again


Well-Known Member
I never in my wildest imagination would think that I could or would really like Senator John McCain, he theoretically being a conservative Republican, but that was then, and this is now.

I do admire the man for his service to this country, especially surviving the traumas of being a POW in Vietnam and his present battle with cancer, but I REALLY respect him for his stand against Trumpcare.
Now I love that bastard :)

Sen. McCain of Arizona, the Republican who delivered the final blow to the previous attempt to overhaul the US healthcare system, may have done the same thing again when he came out against the latest healthcare legislation on Friday afternoon.

In a statement, McCain said the lack of order in crafting the legislation was what pushed him away.

"I would consider supporting legislation similar to that offered by my friends Senators Graham and Cassidy were it the product of extensive hearings, debate and amendment," McCain said. "But that has not been the case. Instead, the specter of September 30 budget reconciliation deadline has hung over this entire process.
"We should not be content to pass health care legislation on a party-line basis, as Democrats did when they rammed Obamacare through Congress in 2009," McCain added. "If we do so, our success could be as short-lived as theirs when the political winds shift, as they regularly do. The issue is too important, and too many lives are at risk, for us to leave the American people guessing from one election to the next whether and how they will acquire health insurance. A bill of this impact requires a bipartisan approach."

So, all it will take is another nay vote from the Senators from Maine (Collins) and Alaska (Murkowski) to kill this POS bill, which is almost a guarantee to happen.

Gotta love the idea of that piss ant Trump, or as his fellow nut job, kim jong un, so aptly called him earlier today, a "dotard", jumping up and down screaming, "not again"

I never in my wildest imagination would think that I could or would really like Senator John McCain, he theoretically being a conservative Republican, but that was then, and this is now.

I do admire the man for his service to this country, especially surviving the traumas of being a POW in Vietnam and his present battle with cancer, but I REALLY respect him for his stand against Trumpcare.
Now I love that bastard :)

Sen. McCain of Arizona, the Republican who delivered the final blow to the previous attempt to overhaul the US healthcare system, may have done the same thing again when he came out against the latest healthcare legislation on Friday afternoon.

In a statement, McCain said the lack of order in crafting the legislation was what pushed him away.

"I would consider supporting legislation similar to that offered by my friends Senators Graham and Cassidy were it the product of extensive hearings, debate and amendment," McCain said. "But that has not been the case. Instead, the specter of September 30 budget reconciliation deadline has hung over this entire process.
"We should not be content to pass health care legislation on a party-line basis, as Democrats did when they rammed Obamacare through Congress in 2009," McCain added. "If we do so, our success could be as short-lived as theirs when the political winds shift, as they regularly do. The issue is too important, and too many lives are at risk, for us to leave the American people guessing from one election to the next whether and how they will acquire health insurance. A bill of this impact requires a bipartisan approach."

So, all it will take is another nay vote from the Senators from Maine (Collins) and Alaska (Murkowski) to kill this POS bill, which is almost a guarantee to happen.

Gotta love the idea of that piss ant Trump, or as his fellow nut job, kim jong un, so aptly called him earlier today, a "dotard", jumping up and down screaming, "not again"

What is a "dotard"?
Why are you being a traitor?
as an unwanted guest in south east asia

and talking shit then now

he just don't stop
He cares only about himself, not America. This was exactly what I figured he would do. I had hoped for better but he is pretty close to living up to my worst fears - he still has plenty of time and the real crisis point is coming... soon.


Trump turned 71 in June

So what exactly does "dotard" mean?
The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile".

Its US brethren, Merriam-Webster, further clarified that the word initially meant "imbecile",

and stems from the Middle English word "doten" which means "to dote".

'Dotard' Trump? The story of 'rocket man' Kim's insult

North Korea: Trump and Kim call each other mad

"Rocketman" in this context is a compliment, I don't know how people keep missing this point.

Trump in that one moment of stupid (out of many) validated the viability of the NK weapons program more than any nuclear test conducted inside a mountain ever could.

Being called a near senile, dithering old fool with a word most people who speak English have never heard of before is an entirely different matter.

Kim is obviously thug life as f*** and a way better troll than Trump.
Ii's kinda like you, but old (how old are you, you might classify)

Trump turned 71 in June

So what exactly does "dotard" mean?
The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile".

Its US brethren, Merriam-Webster, further clarified that the word initially meant "imbecile",

and stems from the Middle English word "doten" which means "to dote".

'Dotard' Trump? The story of 'rocket man' Kim's insult

North Korea: Trump and Kim call each other mad

Nice I feel way better since I'm not neither of them8)
What Sen McCain is doing is bigger even than the healthcare issue, which is huge... but what he is doing is trying to return sanity to at least the Senate.

God bless him for that, one of the last statesman... I disagree with his politics but he is embodying what we need- on both sides... sane ppl that will negotiate with each other in good faith...

He has horrible political beliefs but remember when in 08 at townhall meeting some future trumper asked him a very pointed and leading question about Obama? He said something about, "ma'am I can assure you he is a decent and good man, we just have different views".
The long term chance of sanity returning to conservatism may lie in his hands... we have to put a lot of hope in him... tea/trump wing may finally split the party. Trumpers, republicans and democrats will be the field, if sanity returns to enough conservatives...
Oh is the show still running??? What season is this one? I was busy working and paying taxes. Come to think of it if I didn't have to pay taxes out of my paycheck and taxes every time I buy something taxes when I breathe the air. What does that equate to 40%? If I didn't have to pay all these taxes maybe I could buy health insurance, oh that's crazy thinking nevermind.
Oh is the show still running??? What season is this one? I was busy working and paying taxes. Come to think of it if I didn't have to pay taxes out of my paycheck and taxes every time I buy something taxes when I breathe the air. What does that equate to 40%? If I didn't have to pay all these taxes maybe I could buy health insurance, oh that's crazy thinking nevermind.

Usually right wingers who bitch about taxes don't pay any, live in a trailer and claim disability all while bitching about welfare...

Just saying.

Usually right wingers who bitch about taxes don't pay any, live in a trailer and claim disability all while bitching about welfare...

Just saying.
I am none of those LOL but it is usually left-wingers that get defensive when the facts are presented. Just saying
I am none of those LOL but it is usually left-wingers that get defensive when the facts are presented. Just saying
you have not presented a single fact, only dubious claims. you come off like an angry petulant teenager who just found out that 7.65% of his mcdonald's pay gets sent to the feds.