Sen Reid and his "No Negro dialect" Comment


Well-Known Member
Well it just keeps getting worse for this guy and his peeps. I remember when Cali's Lt. Governor dropped the N bomb at public speaking event for an all black audience. Yes folks, the Democrats really think highly of minorities and blacks in America.

Even though he's a scrub...officially he's not. Not that it will ever happen, but as out of touch as he is he could be the president one day. We elected Obama didn't we? :bigjoint:

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid apologized on Saturday for saying in 2008 that Barack Obama should seek — and could win — the White House because Obama was a "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."


Well-Known Member
He is already behind in the polls for the election later this year and this will certainly not help. He's in real trouble later this year. Unfortunately, he still has many more months to ram legislation down the throats of the American people that we clearly don't want.


Active Member
I'm hearing a lot about this. I never liked Reid as Senate Majority Leader because he seemed inefficient, but he did push health care through pretty good. Still, I think this comment is his undoing. Dems need someone with more fire.


Well-Known Member
I'm hearing a lot about this. I never liked Reid as Senate Majority Leader because he seemed inefficient, but he did push health care through pretty good. Still, I think this comment is his undoing. Dems need someone with more fire.
Dems got fillabuster proof power and have shit all over it. Obama is one step from "inheriting the wind."

I would like to point out to my black homies that they still continue to support the Dems because they are the party that "understands" them. C'mon guys...this WOWG (wealthy old white guy) has nothing in common with you. He's still stuck in 1960 with his Negro comment.

I'm waiting for Reid to say Obama is a nice boy.

I bet Bush had more black or minority cabinet positions than Obama and Clinton combined.

My buddy Tyronne came over yesterday, yes he's black...and he's from Atlanta...I'm white and we talk politics all the time. Especially white/black race type issues. He's light skinned and gets shit for it all the time. This kind of took him over the edge.



Well-Known Member
I'm shocked at the lack of replies. Maybe everyone on here is a Philly or New England fan. They're all at the "bah."

Racist dem's! :)


Well-Known Member
When I watch Cops I'm shocked at the shit that comes out of Po' white trash mouths. Like Chris Rock said "Eatin' mayonaise sandwiches fuckin' they sista's." LOL

Reid is getting some negative press but it's clearly not a big time topic. They would be calling for his head if he were Republican.