Chad Sexington
Active Member
The first I've heard of any of this, pretty shocking. Seems to me they just want to get more dough from the small agro operations then hand anything over to Monsanto and friends, but you never know.
in most cases i would agree that glen beck is a fuck, but when a right wing conservative, with big business agenda, completely agrees with a democratic view to protect the little business, you should pay attention. its not everyday you have a chance to change something. all those income taxes you pay everyday outta your check exist becuase of bills like this with there"its not the purpose of this bill" bullshit. its like gun rights, and self protection rights, and civil rights. they arent gonna take them away all at once you would notice. the government is not a bunch of idiots. they control your money, they control your freedoms, and allow you enough freedoms to apease your self out of revolution by letting you spout off to essentially a bunch of strangers online. are we all getting together to stop this no,we are sitting behind our keyboards telling everyone what we are going to do. and you dont think its on purpose. i did not think a bunch of ganja growers would be nieve enough to belive that. " let the frogs boil themselves,and they wont even jump"Glenn Beck is a fuckwad. Hes never even looked at this bill and I can guarantee you that.
OK, here's a list of how the Senators voted. I feel betrayed by so many I've been in support of. I'm shocked. What the hell are they thinking?
Notice carefully, Not a single Democrat voted Nay.
It is to increase control over the food supply and to remove peoples ability to achieve self sufficiency.I just heard Henry Waxman rejected the bill over an illegal revenue enhancing item. He is sending it back to the Senate. So...the beat goes on.
Why in the world did the Democrats support this turkey? I don't get it.
Monsanto's money is behind this, but have they managed to blackmail EVERYBODY, or what?
It is to increase control over the food supply and to remove peoples ability to achieve self sufficiency.