Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing of House MMJ bills


Well-Known Member
There's some other stuff not related to mmj, but around 29min they get into it again.


Well-Known Member
Listen everyone. It took me 6 weeks to get my card. I got it last week. We are waiting on 3 cards right now. I showed this to belle and made her call Lansing. It's 9:03 am and the person there JUST SAID THEY ARE ONE MONTH BEHIND. The state constantly lies. I swear, I cannot believe one thing they say.


Well-Known Member
I just checked. We have money orders mailed in May 2. The woman lying on the video says they can get up to 2 days behind. The person on the phone said a month. This shit was mailed in May 2.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Pay attention to Tim Beck in this video...he has the right approach in my opinion....You know Tim..the guy that single handedly had the most to do with getting this law passed. Backs the hb's..because he respects the system (not because he totally agrees) comes right out and says his long term goal is legalization with regulation....maybe it's why he is so successful..he works within and shows respect for the system......I know crazy thought...


Well-Known Member
Bob. Did you just hear me. I listened to them, picked up the phone. I called their department, the person I spoke to from their department said that they are not caught up. They have never been caught up. This is more bullshit. The guy asked her directly, are you caught up. What did she say exactly? Call them and ask them how she didn't just lie. Who's Tim Beck, the other guy? Is he a liar? Is their anything he said, that can be verified. My cards are late, big fucking deal. But it's amazing to me to sit and watch these people tell flat out lies.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Bob. Did you just hear me. I listened to them, picked up the phone. I called their department, the person I spoke to from their department said that they are not caught up. They have never been caught up. This is more bullshit. The guy asked her directly, are you caught up. What did she say exactly? Call them and ask them how she didn't just lie. Who's Tim Beck, the other guy? Is he a liar? Is their anything he said, that can be verified. My cards are late, big fucking deal. But it's amazing to me to sit and watch these people tell flat out lies.
Tim beck is a prominent lawyer, and staunch cannabis activist.He advocates legalization, but was one of the leaders in the medical law going through.

I wasn't focusing on the speed of the cards, though I did hear her say they were being printed now within three days. I didn't hear her say she may not be lying, as much as not telling the whole story. and I don't have any idea of the process after they are printed, as far as from the printer to the mailbox. The speed of the cards coming has been improving from what I hear, and that issue isn't my top priority by a long shot. Sure, it's important...but all these HB's and distribution talks are a larger concern for me at the moment.


Well-Known Member
lmao. Seriously? It sounded to me like she said they were not a month behind. They said on the phone they ARE a month behind. I think if you watch it again you may see that she is a fucking liar. She should not be speaking for that department because she is directly misleading the public. If she worded it careful enough to not actually tell a lie, then she is even a bigger lying bitch and it even more dangerous. I can't go through this with every damn one of em bob, it hurts my buzz and gives me a head ache. It's like the ol saying goes: You can tell they are lying cuz their lips are moving.


Well-Known Member
Bob. Did you just hear me. I listened to them, picked up the phone. I called their department, the person I spoke to from their department said that they are not caught up. They have never been caught up. This is more bullshit. The guy asked her directly, are you caught up. What did she say exactly? Call them and ask them how she didn't just lie. Who's Tim Beck, the other guy? Is he a liar? Is their anything he said, that can be verified. My cards are late, big fucking deal. But it's amazing to me to sit and watch these people tell flat out lies.
The woman you're speaking of is Vicky, the director of some health section within LARA, and yes she got ahead of herself in saying they're caught up given the info you obtained via your phone call.

Hopefully she wasn't wrong about the panel to add qualifying conditions(31min). I'd like to see P.T.S.D., S.A.D., Anxiety, and Depression added...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
lmao. Seriously? It sounded to me like she said they were not a month behind. They said on the phone they ARE a month behind. I think if you watch it again you may see that she is a fucking liar. She should not be speaking for that department because she is directly misleading the public. If she worded it careful enough to not actually tell a lie, then she is even a bigger lying bitch and it even more dangerous. I can't go through this with every damn one of em bob, it hurts my buzz and gives me a head ache. It's like the ol saying goes: You can tell they are lying cuz their lips are moving.
She did, in fact, word it that carefully..she avoided any mention on how quick they were mailed...just printed. So I do see your point. Again, I'm not minimizing the delays, nor standing u for her...just concentrating more on the bills and such.

My view is the cards could come over night, but how does that help if there is no law left to work within..


Well-Known Member
She lied. ....and so effortlessly. They all do.
You say you are more worried about the bills. I am more concerned with where the lying stops and where the truth begins.

Don't try and tell me, well they can lie about the cards, but the bills are serious shit. They would never blow smoke up your ass about the bills.


Well-Known Member
You irritated me defending her. I listened again. So the first guy says, ya well got it under control. No need to take or share our contract, it's all good. I don't lie very well so here is Vicky she call lie her ass off. She guy with the question said - so you are catching up. She said - we are caught up. We have completely caught up. I called today and they said we are not caught up we are behind.

That 's a fucking lie dude. She didn't carefully word shit. She said we ARE caught up. Then next sentence she went on about printing. She is a fucking liar. Some of the shit you guys argue, I swear.


Well-Known Member
You irritated me defending her. I listened again. So the first guy says, ya well got it under control. No need to take or share our contract, it's all good. I don't lie very well so here is Vicky she call lie her ass off. She guy with the question said - so you are catching up. She said - we are caught up. We have completely caught up. I called today and they said we are not caught up we are behind.

That 's a fucking lie dude. She didn't carefully word shit. She said we ARE caught up. Then next sentence she went on about printing. She is a fucking liar. Some of the shit you guys argue, I swear.
You should call again and ask for vicky....if you actually get her on the phone, record the convo. I'd also be calling up senator jones' office, tell him the situation, and urge him to call himself.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh you mean Tim Beck the one that was more than happy to work with the senator that is now trying to get glaucoma removed?You mean that one? The one that said he trusted the Senator who hates MMJ and now says he is on board with these bills? That Tim Beck? You mean the Tim Beck that went into the House committee with his head so far up the Reps ass that he could hardly get it out about how giddy and pleased he was that they were working these bills? You mean that Tim Beck? You mean the Tim Beck that told the House Committee that he wrote this law? Which he did not. You mean that Tim Beck? You mean then that he supports these bills and so should we. You are something else.....


Well-Known Member
And then defend and say maybe she didnt lie? Yea maybe I am lying about 2 people I know that have been waiting almost 2 weeks for LARA to get back with them about a major screw up on one card and the other CG card that has not been recieved since end of November and yes the CG has a letter showing the caregiver was already approved.

No you dont defend everything Lara, Legislature, Leo do, do you? Funny how that all start with L. L as in liar.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Wow Bob. I must say, I think you were lying when you said you were calm. Anyone that wishes incarceration on another, is a piece of work in my book. Have you ever been to jail, even for a night? power-trippin' much...(that's your Achilles)? You are perhaps the radical individual on this site, regardless what you imagine to reveal to others.
