sending seeds to Australia via nirvana


Active Member
has anyone used nirvana to send to australia. if so did u use cash or cc. did you get ur seeds on time. im thinking of gettin ppp. any recommendations


Active Member
hmmm i'm starting to think not .... i'm in sou east qld - i have no issues with having a few seeds sent nor do i care if customs get them coming into the country. bigger fish to fry than me trying to grow a plant - i just want to know what other aussies have experienced.. i'm too impatient to wait till i get some green with seeds in it again..
from what i've researched so far i'd choose a seed bank in canada or the UK - netherlands has good choice but meh - gotta watch the dutch ;)

pre paid CC's would be the go - westpac have a good one as does canvas card

P.S just found this
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plant girl

Active Member
ive been watching 'Border Control' in Austrailia on tv recently and all mail that goes through their system is scanned. every single item is looked at.

i dont know if seeds are a problem, puts me off getting anything in the post :D


Well-Known Member
I've ordered from Nirvana to Aus twice now, and both times took less than 2 weeks to arrive. Paid by Credit Card


Active Member

Heres my attempts (Im in NSW).

Planet Skunk-2 attempts, one success.

Cannabean-hopeless, dont go there.

Nivera-Currently waiting.

Planet Skunk have an Oz NAB acc, very easy. The first 4 letters of an email address are used as the ref. Tell the teller its an eBay purchase.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
has anyone used nirvana to send to australia. if so did u use cash or cc. did you get ur seeds on time. im thinking of gettin ppp. any recommendations
i have never ordered direct from nirvana ,as i think they are dutch ,and suss as far as customs ,no doubt more worried about ees, or other shit ,but plant skunk was cool and they sell from many seed banks ,also tried kind seeds , golden seeds ,and once b.c .bud depot ,the only one i had trouble with was b.c. bud but i did get my seeds ,not what i asked for but after ages got some god bud ,which was nice ,give it a shot i dont think they are to worried about seeds ,maybe if they find them they will confiscate them ,but so far so good.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i remember that the customs are paranoid bastards who don't want anything to do with plants, so i would probably say no, but if anyone has any success with anyone, please message me :)


Well-Known Member
ive been watching 'Border Control' in Austrailia on tv recently and all mail that goes through their system is scanned. every single item is looked at.

i dont know if seeds are a problem, puts me off getting anything in the post :D
You do know who makes those shows? the government, to make you think that they're doing their job :hump:


ive been watching 'Border Control' in Austrailia on tv recently and all mail that goes through their system is scanned. every single item is looked at.

i dont know if seeds are a problem, puts me off getting anything in the post :D
That's codswallop! How can they check every single item....they don't have the time or staff.
I have had seed arrive 3 times now without problems and only one not (Gypsy Nirvana, not Nirvana) . Your biggest problem is probably the postie, they chuff too ya know and they prob recognise the envelope. lol

As for packaging have had 1 arrive in a CD case and the others in everyday envelopes which I prefer cos they know some put them in CD cases eh, letters just flick through the machine. Bit like parking meters. You can dutifully feed it with coin OR you can 'take your chances'. Much cheaper to do the latter I've discovered.

So, take yer chances and happy smokin.

Oh, as for importing is most definately illegal to bring any plant material into Oz, seeds included so, if you get caught you will be fined....dunno if seed importation is a criminal offence though.