sending seeds


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, can someone tell me the best way to send about 40 seeds from us to canada would be?? thanks


Well-Known Member
really?? i was thinking of putting them in a little zip lock bag, put that in a envelope, then putting that in another envelope. would this work out??


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I never sent seeds but got them from like nirvana.They just taped the little baggie in an card then put that in a bubble wrap manilla envelope and sent them. Not to stealth but I guess thats how they send them. Id probably get like a small glass cigar tube wrap the seeds in some bubble wrap stick them in the tube seal it then wrap that again in bubble wrap then send that inside of stuffed animal in a sealed bag in a box labeled as a birthday gift.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Do you know what coroplast is? It's the shit they make political signs out of that isn't cardbord and has small chambers in it.... (do a search/find a pic)

get that...then get a piece of cardboard. Cut the cardboard so it will fit in an envelope...cut the coroplast into a square....then take a razorblade and "trace' around the coro onto the cardbord. Cut THROUGH the cardboard and cut out the square shape. The idea is to replace the cardboard square with a coroplast square that is full of seeds.

Get cotton swabs/Q-tips. Place one in one side in a chamber of the coroplast and push it in until the cotton part in inserted. (you may have to take off some cotton fibers to make it small enough to fit in)

Tip the coroplast square up and put the seed in the same chamber you just plugged the end of. Now gently push another Q-tip into the chamber where you poured the seeds in...being careful to not crush the seeds....

Now cut off both ends of the Q-tips that protrude past the coroplast...and place the coroplast in the cutout were the carddboard once was.

Tape over it on both sides. Stick in envelope. Use the same return addy as the send addy you used. Mail it. the seeds will not be crushed and the letter will JET through. A box with a stuffed animal..etc will more than likely be searched.

This works because letters under 1 ounce do not get searched.

good luck.
