Sensemilla Vs. seeded grow

so i been flowering my plants for about 3 weeks now. during the course of time i've lost 2 due to root rot...they were both very young and i think the flowering early killed em. anyway i have three left now. and boy are they is an autoflower i think lemon haze and the other ones are a toss up....there between nyc diesel or lemon skunk. all three are about 2ft tall. my question is when i awoke this morning i saw they began to show sex...bad news is ones a male ones a female and the other hasnt shown sex yet but im sure its a female. the question (swear i've tried to ask it like twice do male flowers produce bud and if they dont what are the benefits from continuing to grow him? ps. i really dont want to cut them down so please someone throw me a life raft.


Well-Known Member
If you want to make seeds, then keep him, if not you will either need to remove him to a different area, or pull him.


Well-Known Member
Males do not produce "buds". Some people have attempted to extract thc from them, but personally I wouldn't think it was worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
hmm i would grow him separate inside a tote with 3 cfls and collect the pollen and pollinate some females. if you let him go your shit could be really seedy. i would remove him if i could not grow him separately. sensimilla plant will yeild more high quality bud than a seeded plant( while on the other hand, expert, can pollinate a plant and use the hormone "flux" to make the plant grow bigger and stronger than without.)


Well-Known Member
If you are having problems with the plants I wouldn't try and get them to seed.

You will need the seeded plants to go full term or else the seeds won't be very viable.

I seed very healthy plants (indica) and let them go 9 weeks before they are ready. I also put them in 7.9 gallon pots so they don't get root bound.

Cull the males.

Good Luck :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
When a female gets pollinated from a male that female then starts using all of its energy to produce seeds. Therefore hurting not only the yield but potency as well. If you want seeds to start more grows then let the male stay there. The only purpose and benefit of having a male is getting seeds, at the cost of yield and potency. If you ordered 10 seeds for 50+ dollars then seed it. So you don't have to dish out money on more seeds. Otherwise you need to remove the male ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Males don't make bud, but they do make pollen, and that pollen can be used to make more seeds...but a seeded plant will yield less usable product, and also what it does yield won't be as strong as it would have been...when I want to pollinate a plant I take a tiny clone and flower it as soon as it roots, then just seed the clone and leave the big plant doing it's thing... Seeding a large plant you have spent a lot of time on is usually a male can make hundreds of seeds given the chance...when I seed the clones there is no smoke available from them...just calyxes with a little trichome dust on I mean you can gather and smoke the seed husks, or try to pollinate only one branch on a plant...but for real, don't let that male pollinate all your females if you want to grow any weed you can smoke anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
I started a 5 pack of reg seeds a month or so ago, and they have now all showed sex, and they are all male...not one male, not 2 males, not even 3 or 4 but all after shipping and what all it is like $80 I spent on pollen... I am pretty down about it... I haven't killed the males yet, because what these plants can't give me in smoke they will give me in seeds...I will not have wasted $80...I don't care if I can never get through all the seeds...I will just drive around tossing them out on the roadside before I just toss out 5 pack of fucking male plants...! Bullshit!


Well-Known Member
Males do not produce "buds". Some people have attempted to extract thc from them, but personally I wouldn't think it was worth the effort.
Hell no, I tried to use a few males to make cannabutter... It was terrible...tasted like pot butter, but didn't get you high, and I dont' know about the rest of you but I don't like weed butter for it's


Well-Known Member
And...wait there is more good don't have to keep males on 12/12 once they can put them on veg time and they will still make if you have 2 seperate areas just move the males back to veg to collect whatever pollen you want...


Well-Known Member
Once I move all my males out of flower and back to veg I am going to start my next 5 pack from the same breeder and just straight 12/12 them and see what i got..that way I can use these males so I don't have to just stew over them... Bullshit!
Would you mind explaining this in greater detail...this sounds interesting. Would i just simply take a clean sterile cotton swab and take some pollen and put it on a couple pistols?


Well-Known Member
Would you mind explaining this in greater detail...this sounds interesting. Would i just simply take a clean sterile cotton swab and take some pollen and put it on a couple pistols?
Essentially yes, that's it.

Watch for a few posts coming about creating your own seeds from scratch, I have some new genetics that I would like to preserve and will be making some CS and feminized seeds with step by step pictures. I am just waitng for another tent to arrive as my breeding tent is just old and worn out and almost cannot stand on it's own.

Thanks this really helped....i heard a couple of you guys talking about pollinating one branch....?? How is that possible....wont the pollen spread every where....i thought it was like human insemination all it takes is one drop and the whole things this not true for vegetation?
Lol wow.... 80 bucks on 5 seeds....... I usually thought if you paid so much for so little their at least feminized, i would think thats a rip off but on the other hand i like your idea...i think as cannabis lovers we should just collect unused seeds or hell even donate them back to mother earth. I've thought about just laying a couple seed around in the local forrest and on the side of highway by the cops precinct lol...honesty moment----) i planted a couple seeds on my college campus last year in spring and 4 beautiful girls popped and started nicely...but the pig headed ass wholes cut them down and released a news conference stating that they do not condone the use of marijuana and any of its subsidiaries lol...what a joke!!! Its a plant just legalize it already...but anyway thanks for the comment i really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks this really helped....i heard a couple of you guys talking about pollinating one branch....?? How is that possible....wont the pollen spread every where....i thought it was like human insemination all it takes is one drop and the whole things this not true for vegetation?
You can just pollinate one branch, what I do is simply use a paint brush (sterile) and dap it into the collected pollen then brush each branchs' pistols lightly (make sure fans are not running if this is your main grow room) that you wish to pollinate.

One drop will not pollinate your entire crop.
