Sensi Grow A&B very acidic?


Active Member
Been using there connisuer and love perfect everytime! With the same RO water the Sensi A B with or without the micros comes out to like a ph of 4.0.?? New line for me so anyone w/ experience can help that be great

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Active Member
It's suppose to buffer to 5.6 for hydroponic use it's part of the pH Perfect line when I used it I used Advanced Nutrients pH up to get it to 6.3 for soil use


Active Member
Just did a couple experments today, my tap water is running at 125-150 ppm with a ph of 6.5 consistently, my RO is at 0ppm with a ph of 6.0 -6.7 after a day or two of sitting in res. It rises slightly. Now with using the Sensi with my tap water ph is dead on everytime and plants are on beast mode, Now the conniseur (first time user) i can use with tap or RO and get the same ph perfect result everytime, great but the same cant be said for the Sensi,but my plants love it all the same, so tap water it is, atleast for the vegatative ones anyway.

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Active Member
Don't forget the Bud Candy and Sensizym I personally love them as an organic grower cannabis plants love carbohydrates and enzymes