So far all is going good, plants are growing well, a few are a little behind, and hopfully will catch up, for the most part for this ammt of time they are doing great, im giving them one more week of veg and into flower they go, at the rate they've been going, they should be a real nice size to go into flower.. i was going to do some LST, but I have alot of plants, so a bunch of nice main colas are going to do the job for a nice yield, I think im gonna just let them do their things naturally
Today for some reason, my AC timer didnt go on and they spent 3 hours in 105 degree temps which i will definaltey not make happen again, but oddly enough, when I found them in this super high temp, they looked healthier than the day before
Today for some reason, my AC timer didnt go on and they spent 3 hours in 105 degree temps which i will definaltey not make happen again, but oddly enough, when I found them in this super high temp, they looked healthier than the day before