Sensi Seeds - JACK HERER


Well-Known Member
I repotted my girls last night up into 6.5 litres, just under 2 gallons. I have not decided if these will be the final pots yet. I may still pot up to 11 litre pots for flower. I'll decide in a few weeks time.

The roots on these Jack Herer's were incredible and had totally consumed the entire pot. I probably should of repotted last week sometime as I think the growth has slowed slightly the last few days. But after a couple of days in their new pots with fresh soil, they should take off again.

I've still not fed them anything except PH'd water (6.6 PH). But my fresh soil in the bigger pots is the best feed they can get. It's just what they need!

So here's some pics of them in their new pots.....



Well-Known Member
hey SW....they look very good. are those couple of lower leaves already departing - or is the discolouration something else? continue with the good work.


Well-Known Member
looking great once again! how old are they? and what soil mix you using?



Well-Known Member
hey SW....they look very good. are those couple of lower leaves already departing - or is the discolouration something else? continue with the good work.
Thanks. yeah, some lower leaves are going already. They got a bit root bound with no nutes left in the small pots. Which is why I should of repotted sooner. I'm not really that bothered though as the plants are healthy still and I'll snip these leaves off when I take cuttings anyway, if they don't die off before then.

looking great once again! how old are they?

Thanks. They're 18 days out of the soil now.


Well-Known Member
It's Friday again :) So it's time for me weekly update.

After the repot on Tuesday this week, my plants have really taken off and they have got their grow on again.

Still not fed them any nutes yet, they will just feed off my soil for at least 2 weeks, then I will start the feeding schedule. I'll probably give them a little boost just before I take cuttings in a couple of weeks time. Then they'll go into flower. During flowering, I feed pretty much every watering, slightly increasing the dose each week.

Check out the 3 week pics. I think the difference from just 2 days ago is amazing. I am VERY imrpessed with these gentics so far. Enjoy! :joint:

I'd put money on the back right one being a bloke, probably front left one as well. I'm thinking the 2 in the middle will be girls, the other 2 could go either way. I'll probably be totally wrong, but it's a fun game to play anyway :) Anyone else want to play??



Active Member
Those look great so far!! Good luck with the rest of your grow, I'm very interested to see the final product.


Well-Known Member
hey man....looking sweet....yea I agree no worries on those lower leaves...those plants are looking as good as onyone could expect...awesome job! and thanks for the regular insightful updates. I am not experienced enough with the "guessing" but everything I have read would suggest you might be right with your initial thoughts...


Well-Known Member
Man this makes me want to grow indoors even though I dont have to. :D
Nice neat setup. ;)
Thanks. Well I would love to grow outdoors man....swap ya! ;)

Those look great so far!! Good luck with the rest of your grow, I'm very interested to see the final product.
Me too, long way to go yet though. Thanks for stopping by. :joint:

hey man....looking sweet....yea I agree no worries on those lower leaves...those plants are looking as good as onyone could expect...awesome job! and thanks for the regular insightful updates. I am not experienced enough with the "guessing" but everything I have read would suggest you might be right with your initial thoughts...
Yeah, I'm probably not right, but I like to speculate anyway. I had a really short bushy plant on my last grow, totally convinced it would be female, then it went and grew balls on me!! :(

Cheers for following my grow with me anyway. It's nice to know people are watching and I love to chat about it on here. It's the only place I can and do talk about it. Love this site!! :mrgreen:

nice plants cool
Thanks! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I notice you got at least 2 different pheonos there, you definitely got at least one of the indica pheono, i also see ones leaning more towards the sativa side, how were you going to flower them?


Well-Known Member
I notice you got at least 2 different pheonos there, you definitely got at least one of the indica pheono, i also see ones leaning more towards the sativa side, how were you going to flower them?
Hey man. Yep, the 2 in the middle are looking pretty Indica dominant to me, being shorter and bushier than the others, with wider leaves. I've had to raise the pots up about an inch to bring them up with the others. The one in the back right is so male. Really stretching out with much bigger spacing between the internodes, front left one is very similar as well.

The front right plant is probably the most Sativa looking one, to a certain extent this is my runt. It's first leaves were slightly deformed and have now shrivelled up a bit, but new growth seems to be doing fine. I think this one might be a bit fussy/weak if she goes all the way.....but we'll see.

To flower......ummm......I will change the light cycle to 12/12....come on man, you're a moderator, you should know that! ;)

But seriously, I'm not quite sure what you mean??


Well-Known Member
Just ordered a new 'Jet Stream' air cooled reflector for myself......:mrgreen: Well, more for my plants really ;)

It is a fully sealed unit and I will run my 125mm (5") extractor straight through it. Can't wait to get it and hook it up!

I plan to upgrade to a 600W digital ballast some time next year as well.


Well-Known Member
Friday again :)

My new reflector (above) turned up yesterday and I will be swapping it out for my old one today. This thing is a BEAST. It's gonna reflect so much more light!! :mrgreen:

My JH are 4 weeks old today and are reallly wanting to grow big. They have pretty much outgrown my small veg cupboard and consequently my schedule for this grow has been moved forward.

I will now take clones later today or tomorrow, there are lots of good side shoots for cuttings already. Then they will stay in the veg cupboard for the weekend and be moved into flower with my Hashberry on Monday. I was planning on a six week veg, but the way these things are growing that just aint gonna happen, at least not in my small cupboard! And my shed is on 12/12 light for my Hashberry, so it has to be flowering time!

The 2 I suspected as girls last week are now showing tiny female pre flowers. NICE! :blsmoke:The others are not showing ANY signs yet. I really want 4 girls out of these, but I'm v happy I know I have at least 2 so far. I bet all the rest are boys....they're kinda stretching up, but hopefully it's just the Sativa in them ;)

Anyway, enough of's the week 4 pics......enjoy! :joint:



Well-Known Member
what hg said....picture perfect man. great photos, good colour, firm and taut....excellent all around!


Well-Known Member
thanks very much for the comments guys....glad you like them....I sure am very pleased so far.

Well I've been v busy this lunch time and have just taken 24 clones, 4 from each plant. 2 plants I know are girls, so as long as the clones root ok, I'll be set up with mothers for the future and clones to flower when I have the flowering space again. And that's where I really want to be. I was there before with a good healthy stock of clones etc, but then my flowering plants went and hermied on me, so I had to start again :( Hopefully I will have better luck this time round.

Last time I cloned into root riot cubes and I wanted to do the same again today, but I only had 10 cubes left. So I found a small amount of perlite that I had lieing about and did a 50/50 (ish) mix of it with my potting compost. I then filled a seedling tray with the mix, watered well and left it to drain. Looks like a good mix to me, hopefully they will root nicely in it.

Here's some pics of my freshly cut clones for ya anyway....

Everything ready for the job:

and about 30 mins later......



Well-Known Member
Today will be Day 1 flowering for my Jacks so I thought I'd mark this day with LOTS of pics. I gave them a light feed this morning of BioBizz Grow....2ml p/l. They also got this same feed last week before I took clones.

They have now been moved into my flowering room. Here are pics just before I moved them.

The first 3......

and the other 3....

and the clones....4 days old today and doing ok so far......

and here they all are in their new home for the next 2 months or so.....I hope they like it under my new reflector....
