Sensi Seeds - JACK HERER


Well-Known Member
Hey snowwhite, did you harvest any herrer yet?, or is this the same grow?? Hey tell me how that smoke and high is, im curious, ill be buying some jack in a couple days.
Not harvested any yet. This is my first Jack Herer grow so I haven't smoked any of my own, got a way to go yet. I have however smoked plenty of Jack in Amsterdam and I love the taste and the high so much. The seeds are expensive and maybe not worth it, as there are plenty of other great strains out there that are a LOT cheaper, so you're just paying for the name and the reputation. But it does have that reputation for a reason! ;) Thanks for stopping by.

Wow, your clones are looking insane! Nice work. I wonder what's up with the flowering room.

Tip: Set your camera with the flash mode "ON" so it flashes no matter what. Pics in HPS will look a lot more natural.

Also, what type, amount, distance of lighting are you using on your clones?
Hey j, thanks very much man. I think the clones look great too, I'm so pleased with them :) I have them under 2 x 125W blue spec envirolites, these are kept very close, just a couple of inches away from the plant tops.

Yeah, I do that flash setting with my camera, but the flash is just too shit and the HPS too bright. I'll try and take better pics for next time though.

Not sure what's up with my flowering plants, I'm working on them. I actually think they're are just hungry. I flushed 2 of them today, to be sure, and I will feed them really well next watering. Just got to see how they go really....but as you can see....I've got lots of clones to play with :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I have been wanting to grow this strain since i got into growing! I just cant muster buying seeds online. So i will be keeping up with your grow! good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey man, thanks for the support. Much appreciated :joint:

I wouldn't worry too much about buying seeds online mate. Most good online seed shops are very discreet.

It's a shame I can't hook you up with a few clones man. I've got more than I know what to do with at the mo!


Well-Known Member
Hey funnyguy, thanks for taking the time to stop by and read my journal. Cheers for the comments too :)

Yeah, males are a real pain. Mostly, I just hate killing perfectly healthy plants! But as long as you get some girls, all is fine IMO.

Just had a quick look at your grow. Looking real good man. Keep up the good work! btw..I want your camera! great pics :)


Well-Known Member
hey man.....a gotta plan.....sometimes is feels like it gets a little complicated, so you break down into manageable chunks......your walking forward.....this is all very good. and then with you final statement, you see that things are all good.....regardless of the high the low the good the bad...there is always someonw wqith bigger and better, and there will always be osmeone will smaller're happy with what you have....that is key. and well you should be.....

I had been beating myself up over my clones taking a full four legs to get legs....and I'm starting to realize that four weeks is not really all that out of the ordinary....hahahahaha.....ones peerpsective changes....for one moment to the next.....what you just saw, experienced and heard......its not there anymore.....everything is always dynamic and ever changing....keep walk on! :blsmoke:
Hey Tahoe...thanks for stopping by man. Much appreciated as always :)

I potted the clones up into them pots on the 27th Dec, so that's actually 2 weeks ago today. They took 10-12 days to root at first, so that makes them about 4 weeks old since I cut them. They are really growing well now and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to mamage them all yet to be honest. A couple will be kept as mothers, and then I'd like to put the rest into flower. Trouble is I will need to repot them up and veg for a little longer before flower and I don't really have the space to do this with all 12 of them in my cupboard.

Just having a think aloud here....I think I will select my mothers, say 3 of them, then I will keep these alive in the same small pots under a couple of 30W CFLs that I have. Then I'll repot the other 9 up and veg them in my cupboard for another week or two. I think I can veg 9 in there at a squeeze. Then the 9 can go into flower and I will then pot up my mothers and just maintain them in my veg cupboard for future cuttings.

I guess I'm being a bit negative above my flowering girls, when really they could be doing a LOT worse. I should be a bit more postive about them cos I'm sure they will do me proud in the end. Thanks for the positive feedback man :) :peace:



Well-Known Member
I love it when a plan comes together! :joint: hehehehehe :)

Hey Tahoe, cheers dude. Yeah man. Sometimes it just takes a while to realise that the grass is not always to speak ;)

I'm actually v pleased with progress in my flowerng room this week. They are budding up real nice now. One of them in particular, which is my shortest, indica looking pheno, is really coming along well. I'll be updating my weekly pics (4 weeks flowering) tomorrow so you can check things out for yourself.

The clones are really trying to bust out of my veg cupboard now too. I'm going to have to do something with them soon before they get out of hand. I've been too lazy this weekend to do anything with them yet.

Yeah man, your clones look real good after their re-pot. Great job!!


Well-Known Member
Hey all, here's a quick week 4 update for ya with plenty of pics....:mrgreen:

Clones are 4.5 weeks old and are doing great. It's a jungle in my veg cupboard at the moment!

My others girls are now 4 weeks flowering and making slow but steady progress. I'm v happy with 2 of them now, they've perked right back up since last week after a flush and a good feed. The other one is still looking ever so hungry, so I'm going to boost her up a bit more than the others this week.

Anyways, here's the pics....enjoy! :joint:



Well-Known Member
Quick update on the clones....I've finally stopped being lazy and potted up 6 of my clones into new pots. The pots are very tall and slim, so are good space savers. I'm just going to give the potted up clones a couple more days in veg to settle into their new pots a bit, then I'll dot them around in my flowering room with my other 3 bigger girls.

Here some pics of my clones. The 6 on the right have just been potted up, the 6 on the left will be left in these smaller pots for a little while longer. I'm hoping to just sustain them in my cupboard and I'll see how they go.

I checked back to when I cut these clones, and it was 31 days ago today.....



Well-Known Member
Those white hairs are insane. Like tentacles or something.
Thanks man, they are developing slower than anything else I've ever grown, but the white hairs are a bit different as well, especially on one of them, they are SO white and really quite fat looking to my eyes, can't wait for them to really swell and fill up. Thanks for stopping by my grow! :peace:


Well-Known Member
wow your buds are sparkling like crazy, lookin great!!! Those clones look a bit streached is that good do you try to get clones to streach out a bit? I just took my first round so its just a question? They are very nice buds are also getting fat!!


Well-Known Member
great full set of photos....excellent work man! they be looking sweet. thanks for that update!
It's a pleasure man. Thanks v much for the comments :)

wow your buds are sparkling like crazy, lookin great!!! Those clones look a bit streached is that good do you try to get clones to streach out a bit? I just took my first round so its just a question? They are very nice buds are also getting fat!!
Cheers Kaya, much appreciated. They seem to be packing on more crystals every time I look at them. I like it :)

Yeah, some of the clones are starting to stretch out a bit now. It's not really by my design or intention, it's just what they are doing by themselves. For one set of clones, the mother was/is really stretchy, so I was kinda expecting it really.


Well-Known Member
They are looking great my friend! I must have grown out 30 different mothers of JH before deciding on my keeper for cloning, but all of them had traits worth keeping. Congrats on getting the Jack up and running. Many say its just a name, but that name has kept me high and happy for years. WillieN


Well-Known Member
Hey Willie, thanks very much for your support man :) Much appreciated my friend :joint:

The 3 I have in flower are all very different. I don't have much experience, but I would say I've got a strong sativa pheno, a more indica pheno and then one that sits in the middle, but slighty more sativa, I would say. I just can't wait to sample my very first home grown Jack Herer :mrgreen: The wait is starting to get painful now, especially as I'm nearly out of smoke!!!! :neutral:


Well-Known Member
I must say your doing a fine job. Everything looks green and happy. I once had an 8th of Jock Horror and it was most intense smoke ever. I here Jack Herer pack's even more of a punch and the high last longer. Kepp up the good work and Great Job on the clones.
