Sensi Seeds Super Skunk Grow


Well-Known Member
You need to put a cap or a simple coping on your brick work or it will start falling apart much sooner then it should


OMG your grow is looking really amazing. Cant wait to see what it looks like when its ready to harvest. Keep us updated, very nice grow thanks for all the pics


Well-Known Member
Good morning and hello to everyone that has taken the time to follow my thread thank you all for your comments they are much appreciated. I have included some more pics just so you can see what one of the plants is looking like so far i am extremely happy with the Super Skunk however i just wish i would get more of a main cola forming ( nice and thick )

I am using a 600 watt light and noticed last night that in the middle all my buds where fat and covered in thc but on the outside there was light but not as strong as the light in the middle ( this is just common sense and plain obvious ) so to be honest i noticed this a few weeks ago so what i do is turn my plants a 1/4 turn every day so that all the buds can get the same amount of light. So last night i decided to move my 600 watt up and also put in my 250 watt HPS. Now this is what i would like to know. My plants have about 3 weeks left in flowering, will this extra boost of 250 watts help to fatten up the buds or is this light just going to go to waste?

Hope someone can answer me. thanks guys and enjoy the pics and thanks for following me thread


good job so far my african friend. ive been growing for the better part of 7 years consistently, and i have never experimented with it but i would not think that adding an extra bulb that late in flowering will do a whole lot but make your grow space hotter and your electric bill higher. from my experience, they put on most there weight during the middle weeks of flowering. the last 2-3 weeks the like to ripen up, get nice n sticky, and stinky. i just put 5 SS seeds in water to sprout yesterday so im anxious to see how mine turn out compared to yours.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Purple Cobra for the info. Please dont think i am saying your wrong but i would like a few more peoples views on this matter before i make my decision. I fully agree with you but at the same time im sceptical because from what i know is that for the first month your vegging and your plant is growing. Then when you flower and swap to a 12/12 cycle then for the first month of flowering your plant is still growing but at the same time its producing flowering/bud sites and the last month of flowering your plant stops growing and thats when it starts to pack on the weight and buds swell in size. So im only 1 week into the last month of flowering so surely that little extra bit of light will help in some way. Or am i just wasting Electricity and producing heat where its not needed HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
like i said, never experimented with it but if your already doing something right, then why change it? if it aint broke, dont fix it! might be hard to tell if the extra light did any good unless you ran the same exact growing conditions on clones from the same mother right along side, in an other room of course, another grow op with one less light. imho, use the extra light the whole time flowering or not at all. but hell you never know till you try it right?


Well-Known Member
I must say 50% of this grow is due to good genetics so thank you SENSI SEEDS. and the rest is due to all the free information and great advice i have been given from this forum and others. Thanks everyone for all your help. And then lets just say 10% of this grow is due to my love and time spent on these ladies. lol


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so i think its safe to say about another week and a half left of flowering so i will stop my feeding of nutrients come Saturday and flush Sunday then everyday for a week im going to just flush with water until harvest. Let me know what you think


looking good bud. i like the plump juicy pheno in pics 1, 3 and 8. gotta question. my ss seeds i started are taking a little long to get started compared to what im used to. i like to start them in a happy frog and perlite mixture untill they are a couple weeks old then i move em to my ebb and flow table. my germination rate normally is at least 90%. i tried to sprout 5 the same way i always had, and 2 never did anything, 2 more are really slowly growing and one is growing normally. they are still only a week old now but i started 5 other seeds from deferent seed banks, gotta love those freebies from attitude, and those have already caught up with my ss and they are only 2 days old! i only give them ph adjusted,6.0-6.5, clean water or a about 1/4 stregnth solution of super thrive, house and gardens roots excellurator and multizen. did you have similar issues and did you find any paticular pheno more productive or vigorous than others?


Well-Known Member
Hey purple, since switching to coco i can honestly say i have had 100% ger rate. I just put the seeds into a small pot filled with coco i water and cover in my propogation box i have made with a heat mat. I give them a week and they have all sprouted. Obviously some grow stronger and quicker than others but i have no idea why you are not having such a good germ rate with them. In contradiction to what i have been saying about Sensi look they are a very good seed bank and one that i will still buy from in the future but i am now switching from the Dutch seed companiesand i am going to start growing some TGA Subcool and Gage Green Genetics. I will be harvesting this week so will put up some pics for you guys to see, i just hope the harvest will be a bit better than what my mate told me. 180g dried hmmmmm think that could be a bit under but if not i will be highly fucked off. lol.

I generally dont give my seeds or seedlings anything during their growth, i dont adjust the ph no nutes nothing just water and warmth.

O to answer your question yeah i had some seeds that shot up and where like....see you later to the others and so i cloned them and landed up flowering the mother like a stupid lol. I have some plants towering over the others so i had to lift them using pots to make them all the same level.