Sensi Star 1st indoor grow


Active Member
Hi all, im starting on my first indoor grow with some clones that i got from a buddy.
9 sensi star clones and there is a seedling of super sour skunk. Im not sure what ill
do with the skunk might be male any ways
here is the pictures of the clones only cut a couple days ago, hopefully they all root.
they seem to be dealing with the stress alright.
this is the (to be) mother box slash clones box its 3 tall x3 wide x2 deep; feet that is.
i have a 40 inch x 40 inch x 78 inch tall grow tent coming Wednesday that i will do the flowering in.
last we got the lights in the mother box. on the left is a 65 watt 2700k cfl and the right is a 23w of uknown burn temp. seems to be a little warmer then the 65w'er. Just used what i had lying around the house.

hopefully this will all turn out out good, i plan on getting a 1 month perpetual grow going here getting like 4-6 ounces per month. way enough for me and anyone else i feel like getting a little irie:bigjoint:


Active Member
Back again,
the tent im using for flowering and the
blower fan came very quickly through
the mail. Here's a couple of pics.

First off is the blower fan 4 inch, hopefully this should be enough, ill find out.
i got to get an air filter here soon but its still early so i figure i could put it off
for a little while at least.
Here we have the grow im using for flower. I am going to be scroging
3 plants in what i believe to be 10 gallon smart pots. I also plan on getting
a one month cycle going by putting a second level in the tent half way up
and have a light light on each level and one level will be a month behind
the other. all while i clone and such in the wood box.
for lights i plan on using for month 1 of bud 2 2ft x 4 bulb t5 fixtures.
for the last month, or when ever the first set of plants finishes, us a
400w hps.

any thoughts of how this sounds as an operation, this is my first attempt at indoor.
I have grown quite successfully outdoors imho. I am just looking for something going so
i always have smoke.


Active Member
yep so i am calling for a mulligan on this one the sensi clones sucked and died. not a hint of roots to be seen.
so my buddy gave me 3 Himalayan golds and a plant labeled kush? all rooted and i just transplated from the cups i got them in into my 10 galllon smart pots.
1 pot has 2 HG, 1 has got 1 HG, and the third has got the mystery kush. ill get pictures up later ones my lights actually come, hopefully tomorrowATLEAST ONE will get here.