I have an update on the ladies I finally got to see them today.

They are getting bigger but still small. This is due to not having the HID for like the first 3-4weeks of life. The shipment of the BMO line came in today, just like they said 2-3days.

plants were watered yesterday and the mendo purp was transplanted today. I found out that the plant was a little pot bound.

plants have been on a water,water,feed schedule for about a week now. The SS get about 1L of water about every 2days and the mendo purp just drinks water like I do. It gets about 500ml-1L every day. My guess is the plants will get feed 2tsp GIG, 1tsp of SPT, 1-2tsp of FH on Sunday. Just to intruduce them to the new nutes. These nutes combinded come out to be a 8.25-6.4-7.9 NPK. I thought that looked good any thoughts on that? I have the feeding schedule that OhSoGreen had in a thread its the first pic there. I have modified it since plants are about 1month 3day now. I have some hieghts here for the girls.
SS 1--9 1/4"
SS 2--11 1/2" might just be a Mother
SS 3--7 1/4" the runt of the group
SS 4--10 1/2"
Mendo Purp-- 15" this one grew up under an HID light from seed.
Bag seed 1-- 10 1/2" Male from seed
Bag seed 2--12 1/2" not sure of sex yet
Temps have been from 70-76 and colder than that at night maybe even the high 50's. So since spidermites dont like the cold I thought the window should stay open at night for about 5-7days straight to help against the mites. That and sometime this weekend I will pick up some neem oil too. Still have a constant fan on them which is definitely making the stems stronger they are getting thicker.

I was wondering does that help increase yield of a plant?
Sometime this weekend I will also being going to the toy store (as I like to call it) to pick up a few items: cal/mag plus or domomite lime, some soil ph tester. Any ideas of some good ones? Not like the pens but maybe the paper ones? Mylar for the walls and a four 5gal pots for the SS. I'll be keeping my eye out for anything else that crosses my eyes. Would anyone suggest things that are essential to a quality grow? Maybe some pH up/down? I would rather just use lemon for the pH down and some home ingredient for the pH up. Oh maybe a miicro scope too and a measuring cup. Those both sound good.
Well I have some more pics down there of the mendo purp and the bagseeds that I never talked about because was never sure if they were girls or not found out today that bag seed 1 is 95% male just waiting a few more day to make sure. Bag seed 2 not sure what sex yet. The mendo purp had a real tough transition from one grow room to another. Growth came to almost a near stop. Hopefully the BMO nutes and the new 5gal pot will bring back its vigor

MP is bushy as hell as you can see in the pic there. She is droopy my guess is from the transplant.

I dont like to she them down like that. Oh yea on the bag seeds, those were used as test with the FIM tech. BS#1 came out with 4 nice even top branches (even though its a guy) and BS#2 has two main branches and two smalle ones that could possibly be colas in the future

. the rest are just pics that I took for the photo shoot enjoy.
Its looking like there will be 4 plants that will end up flowering for sure 3 SS and the Mendo purp. The biggest and strongest SS might turn into a mother to keep her genitics around for awhile.

So my thoughts are that the plants should get pruned soon. maybe take some clones from 1 or 2 SS and tke a few off the bottom of the mendo purp. I figure this would kill 2birds with one stone. The MP needs it for sure once it starts to flower the bottom leaves will not see the light and i dont want a whole bunch of pop corn buds. Should I also FIM it too? Maybe try to get 4 main colas out of it or would that be to much stress at once? Im pretty sure you are suppose to give the plants a couple of weeks after prune or cloning before they go into 12/12.
Any questions, thoughts, or tips??
Happy Growings