Sensible Seed comes Thru...

:hump: As some are aware amster. never came through. Sensible did,11 days later. Good stealth package and then, and then...Hashberry,Kalichara,Satori,Sadhu,SpeedOueen-all in mandalla seed packets. I emailed dude several times before I ordered to be sure we had what I hoped wouild be the beginning of a good working relation. Dude sent me 10 MAZAR FEMISHED for doing business with them. What about that VM? I want several of those 16 inch colas.:hump: I told the folks at sensible about rollitup and that i would be passing the word along, so I did. If u need futher info, holler. When u order u can tell them u from rollitup and Billy refered u. Hope this will keep some of us from losing our $. Also, the prices are very good. BD


Active Member
I ordered 5 days ago and am waiting. I couldnt find anything bad about them but also only 2 ppl saying good. Out of all the sites I checked they were the only one with good prices and also a good selection.

Plants on Nitro

Active Member
I ordered mine from Sensible. They were very quick to take my money, same day, but havent seen my package yet. They emailed me two weeks later and told me they were out of one of the strains. Does that mean they held up my whole order during that two weeks. It has been 5 long weeks of checking the mail everyday and nothing. They are slow in handling their orders. It sucks that they would treat me that way. This is the second UK company to dick me around. They think that I will never come to England.