sensimilla aka that dank for $$$$ or reggie aka schwag for $$


Well-Known Member
before i came down to houston all i smoked...hell even the the first time i smoked with my ex it was purple haze. man that all we smoked was that good from the nyc. shit even when i was on long island i could still find that shit.
but since ive been down here i found out about this bricked up mexican dirt shit they peddle around here like its going out of style...sometimes good and sometimes bad...i dont like taking my chances with 60 to $$80.

how many of yall just smoke dank??
ive got a cousin who wont smoke unless its dank.

also having to wait for a grow can put a damper on things especially if you just want a smoke and cant find dank...

that happens all the time...
so if your like me and your smokin it as a hold over,then i feel you pain.

id rather pay the $$200 to 210 for the Willa dank then to buy $$200 worth of reg/schwag and i have to smoke a ton just to get a decent high,and the high isnt all that in the first place.


Well-Known Member
lol do wat ya want lol i would buy the swag lol and sell it blunts 5doller blunts???? then buy some dank


Well-Known Member
I used to smoke regs for the simple fact I can get a half O for the same price as an 8th of dank....but recently, I"ve just been not feelin the regs the past few months i've smoked over a qp of some quality dank that I grew...doesnt look like i'm goin back to mids.....


Well-Known Member
I usually pick up a half or a zip of regs and a slice of heads. The regs is my blunt weed, the heads is for my bong.


Well-Known Member
i know the feelin when using the dank for the blunts that 8th or that 4th goes by super quick...
and everyone swears houston has this and that,and no doubt it does, but it not on nyc level, i cant go to the corner and go get me get some of that desiel...
no its all about who you know down here...
college students if they have it ,aren't just tellin anyone.

seriously most people down here are on that purple lean and pharmaceuticals.

of course the dank is in h-town, but its hidden, and the little bit of dank that i have gotten is 65% at best.


Well-Known Member
dang i've always heard nuthin but good things from houston..did you try hitting up the college campuses? someone's gotta have some fire in the south...

shit ever thing good comes form the south:) lol:peace::peace::peace::joint::joint:

i would just buy that swag i liek swag gets me high ?? lol tellin ya i make a killin off blunts and j:joint: i sold a blunt to day for 10 and sole 4 j:joint: for 20 now im buyin a q for 30 :)


Active Member
try some of this crap, itll send you to sleep faster than you can say shitty weed

We must have gooten the same shit. I twisted a Blunt, smoked it went to watch TV and was asleep before I knew it.

But I woke up with the worst headache ever.

Its all in who you know. I buy reg. mostly and its pretty good from 1 guy. The other is ok but he also has the dank when I want it


Well-Known Member
if you are spending 50-80$ an oz down south you are getting brick weed, period. lol

It is why I grow my own. lol

Most dealers claim to have good shit, but its at best just uncompressed mexidirt.


Well-Known Member
i feel that, i'm right down I95 and i haven't seen reggie miller since 04'. i take that back i did a bid, when i came home i went to moms crib out in the country and all i could find was reggie, but, i got up out of there quick. what you need to do is holla at the niggas you see stuntin' down there, you know real recognize real. if that don't work you need to holla at the bitches they know how got that fire.


Active Member
I need to network. :lol:

I deal with 2 people. Both I known 10-15 yrs. been cool since high school.

Im a loner and a stoner.


Well-Known Member
in norcal theres always purp and good bud. shwag is terribble, especially for hotboxing cuz it gives you a head ache.