sensi's attempt at a journal. 3 room multi strain perpetual grow


Well-Known Member
First I want to mention I am a busy busy man so the updates will be likely few and far between but huge. I'm obviously already in progress so ill do my best to get things organized and keep everyone on the same page. A little about myself, I am a 22 year old patient/grower for myself and another in oregon. Everything is compliant and legal. I grew up watching my father cultivate on 10+ acres, I am by no means a pot pro but I have spent every minute of my life around it and almost as much time preparing for the day I grow my own, I currently teach self sufficiency basic soil and horticulture to medical patients locally via a university and love every second of it. I have one book written that I'm hoping to have published this time next year. I am by no means showboating I just feel it neccesarry to point out that I not only enjoy helping others but I couldn't think of many other ways to live so if you have a ? Please ask it. if its not relevant to my grow I do ask that u pm if possible but I will be happy to help when and where I can. I have only been growing for almost 4 years but as I said for the last 22 years of my life it has been about all I know. Anyway enough of the boring about me crap eh? Onto it.

I'm gonna give a brief layout before I head to work and ill try and get some pics up tonight when I get back.

the clone room: couldn't get any easier, I had a spare closet with a perfect shelf right below the attic access. So I cracked the attic access and stuck a wally world clip fan on for a make shift exhaust and moved the ballast's for veg and flower into the lower part of the closet for a lovely 78.6 degrees in the clone room then moved the "propagation station" onto the shelf and hung a 4ft t5 above. Roots in 7 days works for what it needs to surely, for cloning they are cut as any clone would be and rooted in rapid rooter plugs with juicy roots as my hormone, btw shits expensive but the thicker liquid seems to make a difference.

The veg room: lit by a mid spectrumed bulb (4000k) powered by a 400w mh ballast (sun systems little cheapy, works great though. This room is run with an open vertical bulb and I guess I should mention ALL of this post is in one room so when I reffer to this "room" I actually mean tent or closet lol. Anyway the veg "room" is a 5x5x6.5 tent made in house and lined with panda film. Temps stay at 74.1 on a warm day and drop to 63.2 night (I'm workin on it) with humidity holding steady at 55% this room is generally fed (obviously each is different but for the most part) age old grow and blackstrap molasses with small adjustments here and there for certain strains. Plants are vegged for a 6 week minimum and 12 week max depending on strain.

Flower room: is a 4x4x6.5 homebox gl120 tent. It is lit by a cunmaster warm deluxe bulb powered by a 1000w lumatek- this trash will be gettin traded for a nextgen asap- sorry to the luma lovers but this is the biggest piecer I've ever seen and I'm on my 3rd in 2 almost 3 months. Temps in this room are dialed. 75.6 day 65.4 night with humidity spiking to 20% but averaging 10% kinda low really but it keeps the gnats and mildew at bay. This room is given ANs connesour a and b, organic blackstrap molasses and some secrets :D

All of my plants are grown in ffof blended in equal parts with roots soil, creations organic earth (more worm poo), dolomite lime and extra perlite. This base is amended depending on stage of growth.

The strains:
Phew ill see if I can remember them all.
pineapple express - not sure this is actual p.e. Smells very very fruity and sweet and is a pure purple pheno which I don't believe express is known for?
Super silver haze
Higgins haze
White widow
Purple erkel
Strawberry cough
I KNOW I missed at least two ill get back to ya on the lol. As of now in the flower tent I just started the flush on ssh and bubblegum.
The erkel and snowdawg are at 5 weeks and blueberry and bluecheese are at 3 weeks.
Pics soon to come, hope to get lots of ya on board. Also I literally just moved in and had to slam things together, if you notice something that can be revised or anything at all please don't be shy about saying so!! Stay high

There will be A LOT more tga genetics to come as well, I am sitting on agent orange, vortex, jtr, jilly bean and space queen. The querkles I mentioned eralier just sprouted not but 2 hours ago. Anyway pics sometime tonight lmk if I forgot anything guys.


Well-Known Member
Oh and I'm gonna point out the obvious befpore anyone else does, not ALL 10 acres were ganja, don't think I'd be here right now lol


Well-Known Member
Clone "room"



I will get in the flower tent at lights on and try to get some bud porn. These pics are from my cell so the quality is lacking but after today all updates will be done by laptop and worthy camera so don't let this set the quality standard lol. Lookin forward to the comment and suggestion. All are welcome just keep it productive. :) stay high :joint:


Well-Known Member
some of the haze in dry. should be about 3 1/2 by the time the whole plants done maybe a quap.

this was the most recent pic i could find of this one i think its at 4-5 weks but it gives you an idea i suppose

:joint: more to come when the site quits telling me im missing a security token :/ stay high


Well-Known Member
Alright, so my laptop doesn't seem to wanna let me post any pics still, it may be me lol. So anyway I figured some shitty pics were better than none. Again I appologise for the quality. Ill figure this out soon. Please don't be too critical, the last month has been VERY hard on them.
First up is the rest of the super silver haze, already pulled a little over 3 oz off her but am letting the rest catch up for 2 more weeks.

Sorry about the quality on the haze, it doesn't seem to like its picture taken, factor that with shitty lighting and a cellphone.

Purple erkel:


Blue cheese:


Didn't feel like pulling out all the veg tent and taking pictures individually seeing as the lack of quality would just make it a waste of time. So here's a quick shot

Lookin forward to the comments, and if anyone knows why I can't post pics from the laptop using the manage attachments link and is willing to walk my dumbass through it that would be awesome. Stay high


Active Member
Lookin nice man keep up the good work. Just curious its looks like you top all of your plants, is that correct? If you dont top them how to you get such an amazing canopy and all those big juicy buds? im growing some big buddah blue cheese from clone right now and advice on the plant you could give me would be great! they just rooted in about 1-2 weeks ima strat flowering, any advice on how to get the most yeild out of the plant as possible? tying down, toping, anything you can think of. Also i heard the blue cheese is very sensitive to nutes is this true? Thanks alot any help is appreciated and your grow looks amazing!!


Well-Known Member
Lookin nice man keep up the good work. Just curious its looks like you top all of your plants, is that correct? If you dont top them how to you get such an amazing canopy and all those big juicy buds? im growing some big buddah blue cheese from clone right now and advice on the plant you could give me would be great! they just rooted in about 1-2 weeks ima strat flowering, any advice on how to get the most yeild out of the plant as possible? tying down, toping, anything you can think of. Also i heard the blue cheese is very sensitive to nutes is this true? Thanks alot any help is appreciated and your grow looks amazing!!
Thanks a lot I appreciate the kind words, I top and/or fim everything and do a lot of super cropping, depends on the strain though. Ssh has such good side branching that I only need to top where as the blue cheese gets fimmed at the 4th or 5th node and is trained out from there. I veg for 6-8 weeks usually before flower, also depends on strain. Blue cheese will be vegged for 2 months from now on, I just got it a few months back and have been playing with it as well as quite a few other strains lately so you'll notice they're not all vegged for 8 weeks yet, but from here on out its bushes, I yield quite a bit more this way and the harvest and trimming is much easier, the cut I have of bc is very tempermental to nutrients I've put her back on age old bloom cause its all she's happy with I can't go over 1/2 strength, as u could tell from the pic she and all the "experiments" are getting over either burns or deficiencies, its intentional as I like to know what they can take I take notes constantly. I wish I had some end all secret for ya but play with training and pruning for airflow, other than that make sure she is happy and healthy before u flower it and you should be rewarded.


Well-Known Member
Oh and the pineapple express mentioned earlier I found out was a labeling mistake from a friends garden and is actually mendo purps. Can't wait


Active Member
Thanks for the advice man. Ya im growing mine in a BC Northern lights mothership. I bought 4 clones of the Big BUddah Blue Cheese from a friend and since the roots have hit the res. They are growing like crazy!! Im only going to Veg for about 2 weeks due the space in the Grow box (2 weeks is what is reccommened) But the say with the growing conditions the box gives the plants the will be around 2.5-3 feet by end of flowering. I have been starting to bend them myself now that they are at the 4-5th node like you said and once they get a little bigger i think i will tie them down to get more then one main cola. Does this seem like the right thing to you?? The box has some space but not enough to get bushes like you lol so i pretty much decided not to top. If you have any other adivce i would appreciate it. I am using advanced nutrients and the Blue Cheese seems to like it so far. Only gave them half strength due to them being so young but monday i am changing the res and giving full nutes so i will see how they react. Keep up the good work i will be reading and following this thread!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice man. Ya im growing mine in a BC Northern lights mothership. I bought 4 clones of the Big BUddah Blue Cheese from a friend and since the roots have hit the res. They are growing like crazy!! Im only going to Veg for about 2 weeks due the space in the Grow box (2 weeks is what is reccommened) But the say with the growing conditions the box gives the plants the will be around 2.5-3 feet by end of flowering. I have been starting to bend them myself now that they are at the 4-5th node like you said and once they get a little bigger i think i will tie them down to get more then one main cola. Does this seem like the right thing to you?? The box has some space but not enough to get bushes like you lol so i pretty much decided not to top. If you have any other adivce i would appreciate it. I am using advanced nutrients and the Blue Cheese seems to like it so far. Only gave them half strength due to them being so young but monday i am changing the res and giving full nutes so i will see how they react. Keep up the good work i will be reading and following this thread!
First off are u medical or low key? If u have limits set forth go for 2-3 bushes every 3-4 weeks u can let her get a little tall, my cut at least doesn't stretch but 2-3 inches into flower so I beg it to desired size then flower, if ur low key dude start cutting clones and fill every inch of that cab with a s.o.g. Or even scrog it, more smaller plants means a little more attention needed in the garden but it also means less veg time which can mean more harves's anually, google fimming and super cropping if the bushes are an interes to you, I simply combine most techniques around to get my bush's. Start with a fim do some lst, pinch (supercrop) the main colas when they're a foot past the pot rim and occasionally ill top the colas after that. Other than that some pruning for airflow and light penetration does very well. Btw it sickens me that a "friend" or ANYONE for that matter would charge for a clone, this is wrong people CLONES ARE FREE! If they cost u so much to take that u need to seek a return for them you should be saving your money for rent not wasting it trying to grow!. As for the res change I really would recommend only goin 3/4 this time then full think about it. If your giving half and go to full youy are DOUBLING the concentration which is risky with a strain known for its sensitivity imo. But in long yes, it sounds right to me, I always recommend bushes if you have the time. It always pays off for me, but what works in my garden may not in yours, andvanced makes a solid lineup if u can decipher what is what. I've found their root colonizer(pirhanna?), sensizyme, and connesour to be the bees knees, and rhinoskin has come in handy occasionally, I plan to try out the kushie kush in a few months. The rest is questionably expensive for an addative.for your situation I would honestly work on exact cloning ( taking multiple clones of the same length to help ensure a level canopy) and read up on sea of green growing, I know there are a few on here that could tell you how to pull more medicine than you'll need out of that cab using s.o.g.. If it were myself though I would scrog out 1-2 bushes and just fill that cab before flower. Its all in perception and what ur realistically looking to get from your garden, do u have a grow log going? I'd love to check it out. Thanks again for the kind words, happy to have you on board. Plenty of seats open guys, comments/ suggestions/ constructive critisizm all encouraged.
:joint: stay high


Active Member
Ya here is the link to my grow journal And ya its not legal so i do have limitations. Ya it sucks that i had to pay 100 bucks for 4 clones but it was a friends friend and its better then having to buy and order seeds and start from nothing. I will be keeping one and making it a mother and i do have a screen in my box for scrog which i might do as well. I guess i will see as the plants grow what i will end up doing depending on how they are growing. I need to harvest before june 20th which is when my lease is up so im trying to do a 2 week veg and flower with these things. Check out my journal thought and give me some info!!! Thanks for all the advice again man


Well-Known Member
Awesome man, yeah that changes thing I'd say let em do their thing and get a harvest under your belt before ya move get the new pad (and hopefully a bigger rOom/closet to play with :) ) and start bangin out the quap bushes :D ill make my way over to your journal tonight. And its my pleasure man.


Well-Known Member
Quick update, I'm getting overflown with clones, this new little set-up has them rooting in 4 days. 2 days for the strawberry cough and nl5xbb! I did not expect this and because of this I don't know what to do lol. U add that into my addiction for new strains and u get an idea. I don't even know how many strains I have anymore. I picked up 2 cuttings of atf, 1 cut of sour diesel (res dawg pheno), and 1 cut of the black saturday and they are beginning to hold themselves firmly in the plugs.
I'm gonna attemp an update of all the strains real quick mainly so I have it to reference without pulling out all my notebooks.
Blue cheese
The black
Sour diesel
Higgins haze
Super silver haze
White widow
Train wreck
Mendo purps
Snowdawg bx1
Purple erkel
And I still have seed I need to pop of
Agent orange
Space queen
Blue hash
Cali hash
And some random unlabeled freebies haha. Ok anyway
I decided with my lower temps in my new house I should fire up the dwc buckets again, but since I'm pressed for space trying to get the monkey off my back I only did two. 1 bbxnl5 and a strawberry cough, I've dwc'd the nlxbb before but never the cough so If anyones got some hands on with this lady please feel free to share anything noteworthy.
The cough looks sad already but that was my bad for lack of humidity I'm making her a dome atm. The nlxbb is happy as usual, ill take some quick cell pics since the laptop situation hasn't been figured out on my end I'm guessing. Brb


Well-Known Member
Ok ill attempt to keep some order to this but I'm not sure how well it will work, first a few peeks into the clone / isolation chamber not gonna get too specific here just a few shots.

On to the veg tent,

The cough looks sad in the pic (my fault) but is looking better by the minute.

next up are the two cannabis. They stink like hell even in veg

Here is the snowdawg bx, she kinda slipped past me, she was a runt forever. So I held off on training so she wouldn't just die on me then she took off so training just started on her but she will be huge by the time I'm done training and decide to flower, assuming I find the room.

Here's a horrible shot of the higgins haze

The ssh is kinda hidden by the bbxnl but its in there with white widow, mendo purp,and I think blue cheese, the bigger one on the top left is bbxnl


Strawberry cough

:joint: stay high


Well-Known Member
Well, can't all be winners I suppose, found some powdery mildew showing through on the last of the hazeo I cut her down and hit the room with a sulphur spray, may do a sulphur burn if neem doesn't handle it, I'd say I lost maybe 1/4 so not as bad as it could have been, anyway I'm off to find the cause here's a pic of the rest of the harvest, final weight in a few days.


Active Member
Sucks to hear about the mildew but the harvest still looks good!! I wish i had the skills you have everytime i look at your pictures i get jealous


Well-Known Member
Sucks to hear about the mildew but the harvest still looks good!! I wish i had the skills you have everytime i look at your pictures i get jealous

Hey hey, don't spread those bad vibes to the plants man lol. While I must admit it tickles me to hear you gotta realize, I'm pulling 3/4 of a # avg every month from a 600 dollar set-up.and I'm having minor problems, bro you keep up what you got going you'll be out yielding me in terms of gpw so fast you won't even have a chance at sober clarity to realize it haha. Just got done with the tear down clean and rebuild myslef, keepin a sharp eye for anything white, til I get the sulphur burner I'm gonna carefully baby them through, anyone got any other alternatives for powdery mildew before I go by a burner? +rep for sure. Stay high :joint:


Active Member
Nice piece i would love my boss to if i got that from him lol. How is it im sure u have used it already i know i would have


Well-Known Member
I have probably worn it out by now, I LOVE it. Well the bubblegum decided she wasn't happy as a woman and gave being a man a try, caught it before she pollinated but we can officially say you will never see bubblegum in my garden again. I've had this strain hermie 2x now. Never had another strain hermie. Not even my fem'd dpbb. No more feminized strains allowed in my room. Ill have a pic of her one cola (lollipopping experiment) shortly