sensi's attempt at a journal. 3 room multi strain perpetual grow


Well-Known Member
the outsiders are not only alive and well but thriving, im shocked considering the unforgiving elements atm. no pics of them (forget about them all the time) but i did find time to make good on my update promise. though its a kinda smallish one. first up the blueberry (dj short) she was flowered with near no vegetation and very small as ull see. the yields seem like they could be huge with the right veg time. smells like grape kool-aid and taste like blueberry waffles. love this shit.

as u can see not a big yield but gain it was tortured and flowered tiny.

alright and just for u , the blue cheese. we know the history, shes a trooper. onto a few pics.

not alot between the two but thats ok. they were intentionally put through alot . i cant believe the bc after all shes been through. no hermies, no deaths. hell not even any real small yields for what they had been dealt. lol. the bb did put off a male part or two but with bb thats expected anyway so considering what it went through before showing hermi i dont see it being a problem in the future. got nl5xbb, strawberry cough, higgins haze, and snowdawg bx1 comin down in about 6 weeks then ill officially start the new method i spoke of earlier. got higgins haze. blue cheese, clueberry, white widow, mendo purps and snowdawg moving in as soon as these four finish up. on another note i just picked up another patient so keep an eyes out sensi should be rolling out 4x600w and some c02 tanks in the next few months :D comments!
id say about 1 and 1/4 oz total from the two. not bad considering they werent even supposed to live this long haha


Active Member
Great update and i appreciate it but it sort of makes me depressed lol. I dont like hearing that the smell is unpleasent and it doesnt smoke well. However this might be due to your sick ways and you torturing it becasue most smoke reports say it is amazing. Im hoping it didnt live up to its expectations becasue of the torture it went through. How much of that 1 1/4 oz is from the blue cheese? How long did you veg the blue cheese for and how tall was it when put into flower? How tall was it at the end when it stopped growing. Mine are all around 16 inches tall and i think they are done growing. They ended up alot shorter than i thought. But they are a little bushy since i tied them down once when they were around 8 inches. How much do you think i might be able to yeild off them? Just let me know the info on your veg time flower time and the hieghts or the BC throughout the grow and how much u think you will get from just the BC without the BB and i might be able to guesstimate myself. Im really hoping to pull off atleast 4oz. Are the buds of the BC dense or fluffy? Did you veg 8 or 10 weeks? They still look great for what you put them through lol great job man. I wish i lived in your state becasue you would be getting another patient if i did!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK


Well-Known Member
now lets not be too disappointed it was a quick dry. two nights in the jar and a sober test of it has swayed me ever so lightly into a blissfull approval. the taste has mellowed out. the smell still isnt much more than plant matter and a distant skunk snacking on rotting fruit but its showing great potential and as u mentioned my mortal ways of first round treatments rarely produce much thats smoke worthy so round two will be a all or nothing go but ill go into a small amount of detail anyway since its working lol. i vegged her for about 2 weeks and was flowered at 12 inches. she finished at 65 days (cut just a touch early due to the abusive treatment raping her of fanleaves) and 16 inches tall and yielded 39.6 grams dry. with no fan leaves. when she gets the love she needs i have no doubt shell be a huge yeilder and a fire smoke, but the smell. i just cant get over it. but please take what i say with a grain of salt as i am unfortunately a weed snob so it has to be fuckin FIRE to get an a+ from me. at THIS point out of 10 id put it
yields 8
taste 7
ease of growth: 6 (very nute sensitive)
resiliance: fuckin 15 i beat the shit out of her
the high: i woke up this morning and intentionally stayed sober til i could no more and decided to load up some cheese. i open the jar to an odor that i cant quite describe one not very palitable to my picky senses :( though i smell potential as well. i load up the bowl and get ready for what i assume is gonna be a very harsh lemongrass tasting rip and am pleasantly surprised that in a mere two days the taste is, well weed i guess nothing quite special yet but a very nice aftertaste on the exhale, very musky. in 2 hits i am overwhelmed with a floating sensation and my hands are unsteady. i almost feel anxious and a desire to clean, as i stand to do so i am suddenly calmed by a chill wave of what can only be the beginning of a cannabis induced sleepfest and suddenly dont give a shit. but wait. i sit back down and i must clean. so in short i have literally resorted to rolling my stoned ass around in a reclined computer chair pwnin tabletops with my disinfecting wipe of fury in an almost completely unaware state. so while there is much to be had in this strain, most of this is likely due to my sick ways. the high is in-fucking-credible and they yields are up there. the trichome production is rediculous and the buds are pretty damn tight. so i guess what im tryin to say is this shit got me so high i just wrote a smoke report that bears almost zero usable information and seemingly contradicts itself multiple times. i cant wait for round two. im off to finish my roller derby themed cleaning spree. stay high :joint:


Active Member
Nice your getting me excited again. You said 40 grams dry weight. Did you mean wet? Isnt it still drying? I really hope its dry weight but that wouldnt make sense for you only get 1 1/4 oz between the 2 plants. But hopefully for some reason it is dry weight because mine are about 16 inches tall and if i got 40 grams off each which i assume i will becasue i didnt torture mine like you did yours then that will be 160 grams which is like 5 3/4 oz which i would be happy with. I am really hoping its 40 grams dry but have a strong feeling the weed got you to high and the 40 grams was really wet weight


Well-Known Member
read again ;) lol 39.6 dry. it was cut 3 days ago and was beyond bone dry when the cutting was done. the bb isnt done drying yet so i couldnt get an exact on it but the blue cheese is curing as we speak. i had some lower popcorn buds that i cut about a week ago and dried they spent like 2 almost 3 days in the jar and thats what i tried out today for the hell of it, im glad i did though i am stooonneeddd


Well-Known Member
gotta consider though im in a 4x4 with 1000w lighting and when the veg kicks off ive been firing up a vertical 250 mh lately so that probably helped my yield out alot. how big is ur cab ur under a 400 right? its doable but i think ud have to veg longer than u did. im no expert with this stuff though. figure most first timers get what.4 gpw? u know some shit and have good help so id say maybe.5-.5gpw? this is ur first grow isnt it? either way if u were to get .5 grams per watt of lighting that would still be 200g. but you have to consider the training will help, but the lack of veg time may come back to get you. plus the variables that have gone on since you got them, heat issues etc.. its hard to guess someone elses yield. i could guess what they would yield in my room but thats the whole apples to oranges thing.


Well-Known Member
what up mad scientist ;) I see you cropped a couple of your bitches *bows respectfully* What expansions do you have in mind for the winding road? curious. I like the look of the lil blue cheese plant, I bet ya ur right, mass buds if vegged out. What is your drying, curing methods? I want something quick but good outcome.


Well-Known Member
what up mad scientist ;) I see you cropped a couple of your bitches *bows respectfully* What expansions do you have in mind for the winding road? curious. I like the look of the lil blue cheese plant, I bet ya ur right, mass buds if vegged out. What is your drying, curing methods? I want something quick but good outcome.
haha thanks man. oh the futre pretty much entails ur almost exac set-up. u bastard lol. im HOPING to run 4x 600w in the room i crrently have the tents n, ill run it seal with c02 a dehumidifier and a 12,000 btu portable a/c 2x 6 inch maxfans for the hoods and one(8") for the room and ill use my current fan for intake during venting. its gonna be a while as it will be expensive as shit and im way to ocd to just go out and buy things here and their. it has to be functional as well as visually stimulating. i already have the magnumm xxl 6" seal hoods. its gonna be wonderful.
as for drying i just flush for two weeks then wait til they're beyond dry before i cut. usually only takes 2-3 days to dry from there. i also like my bud just a touch more moist and sticky than most as i smoke so slow that by the time i get to the bottom its almost crumbly.


Well-Known Member
sticky icky icky lol yeah i like that fresh bud too. So don't be jealous lol my GF and i are partners and we spent ALL of our $$$$ on this room, an investment if you will. Whats the point of dickin around first grow? learn just as fast if not faster with so many plants, I've had many severe panic sessions, mostly because it's not just a few ounces...lil more hehe. Your room is going to be PRISTINE dude. I like the individually cooled hoods, I have 0 of them and will definitely be suffering this summer with heat issues, I think i need an air conditioner, no, I know I need one. 4000 watts, no cooled hoods, in a 10x 10 room, I'm in deep, no matter how much venting I have going. What you do is when you have spare cash just buy each thing seperately (against your OCD, I have it too) and devote a spot in your place for it, watch the equip grow, than watch the massive buds grow! yeeyaaa. So your saying i can just starve them for water for the last few days until they dry in their pots a bit? then it's fast drying?? i like it sir, yep I do :) Laterz


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call it fast drying just dries in less time. I've seen no ill effects towards smoke or flavor or odor. Whereas others will tell u otherwise so maybe experiment with a few see if u notice a different and what works best for you. The ssh I like to cut like 12 hours after water so it takes as long as possible to dry otherwise I'm not too fond of the mule kick to the chest it tends to get. A lot smoother but to the cost of 4 extra drying days and a week extra to cure than the rest. But its worth it to me in my garden. I feel ya on the investment lol. I made a small one last time and I had to beg the girlfriend so this ones gonna be a tough sale.I may have to confess to my wholesale account to convince her we can afford it, she doesn't know about my wholesale accounts. Better break out the chocolate diesel and body rub :D


Well-Known Member
Wait. Ur not air cooling those hoods? U are a brave man. Ur gonna need like 2 portable ac's and old priest a young preist and a miracle to keep that heat at bay lol. Ur running c02 yeah?


Active Member
I highly doubt i will get .5 per watt since the plants are so short. I have had 3 grows that were successful but in soil. This is my first hydro grow. My grow cab is 32 from top of res to the light 28 inches wide and 26 inches deep under a 400 watt mh for veg and now a 400watt hps for flower. Three of them are about 16 inches tall and yes they were semi low stress trained. I tied them down once to promote bigger branching. The three that are tied down are about 16 inches and the one i didnt tie down thats like a little twig i didnt think it would grow is super skinny and 20 inches tall lol. .5grams per watt is 7.1 ounces and i would be extatic with a yeild like that on my first hydro grow especially since they will not fill all the space of my box up do to never using the box before and not knowing exactly how long to veg them. So your lighting is better but i took better care of mine and i also low stress trained them to an extent. So hopefully me taking care of mine better than you and my little bit of tying down will make up for your better lighting and i will yeild around 40 grams per plant. Go look at my grow journal i posted some pics from a few days ago of them in flower. Im just hoping i get over 4 ounces. I will be pissed if its under 4 ounces. 4 ounces and im satisfied but not happy 6 ounces and over im happy but 4-5 ounces and im ok with it. I really feel like i should pull atleast 4 but who knows they look so small lol in all my soil grows my plants got like 4-5 feet tall and i was getting 3-4 ounces off each plant. But that was soil and i vegged longer and i didnt lst. Either way im a little to high and just rambling on your thread im sorry. Tell me what you think though. Thanks for all the help and sorry for rambling on your page. To high right now


Active Member
Ya will you check out my grow at the end of page 14 i have updated pics of the ladies and i did trim alot of them up if you look around page 13 i think i show how much i trimmed this one guy is saying to trim more what do you think about this what all should i trim? Will you just peep in and tell me what you think i should do or what i can do to maximize my yield for the ladies since you have grown this strain and you are the master of getting good yeilds from plants lol. Just pop in and tell me what you would do if you took my grow over right now with them looking like they are and having to use all my same stuff. Thanks i will follow what you say to the t since you are the master lol.


Well-Known Member
how about father Damien Karas from the exorcist? lol I know man, it's gonna be hot for june too FML. So I will need a couple air cons u think eh... No i am not running any c02, can't afford it right now. i do have a growzone controller that has a sensor that hangs at plant level and makes the 8inch vortex I have power up or down to maintain temps, but I can only run that bitch as hard as it goes, it already sounds like an international airport at the back of my house. I'm not brave, just a noob doin what he can to get the job done. Yeah persuasion of the gf is high up there eh? I had to promise mine a trip away when we are done lol and a shopping spree. She's cool though, won't smoke a roach though, she's smoked twice in her life, got her high once and we almost ripped over to the ER due to her thinking she was gonna die hahaha She hates pot but doesn't mind my hobbies* hehe Anyways show her you can afford it and explain the pro's of doing this shit bigger, she may be like mine and give in, bribes are always good.


Well-Known Member
So I'm sitting here watching my exhaust fan shoot flames from inside the tent (this is where it relocated itself after melting its way from the mounting straps and landing on my veg tent and then eventually burning its way through landing on my higgings haze plant ultimately killing it) and I start thinkin, "hell, I should probably pick up a. New axhuast fan today. So a plant, a 5x3 slab of panda film, and a small fire later its out with the old
(If ya look u can see the char marks from the self proclaimed "flamethrower feature" between the cage and motor.)

And in with the new. C.a.p. 6" 435cfm. Nothin special but got a 5 year warranty and it was only $75 so I couldn't justify a max fan.

I'm uploading some celly pics of 3 of the flowering ladies. Nothin special but today is I wanna say week 3.


Well-Known Member
Ok. Some low quality celly pics.nothin special but they're just gettin prettier from here on
Higgins haze:





Well-Known Member
llop1103- thanks man lol. Makes me feel good everytime. I'm no god but I am certainly on my way to ur thread to see if I have any help to offer.
how about father Damien Karas from the exorcist? lol I know man, it's gonna be hot for june too FML. So I will need a couple air cons u think eh... No i am not running any c02, can't afford it right now. i do have a growzone controller that has a sensor that hangs at plant level and makes the 8inch vortex I have power up or down to maintain temps, but I can only run that bitch as hard as it goes, it already sounds like an international airport at the back of my house. I'm not brave, just a noob doin what he can to get the job done. Yeah persuasion of the gf is high up there eh? I had to promise mine a trip away when we are done lol and a shopping spree. She's cool though, won't smoke a roach though, she's smoked twice in her life, got her high once and we almost ripped over to the ER due to her thinking she was gonna die hahaha She hates pot but doesn't mind my hobbies* hehe Anyways show her you can afford it and explain the pro's of doing this shit bigger, she may be like mine and give in, bribes are always good.
I'd definetly say gas the room (when possible) and a couple portable a/c's in the meantime should help. Not so much too much light but high enough temps and that 4k won't matter ull end up losing on yield and getting fluffy bud. Not to say fluffy bud isn't better than no bud lol. I like the trip idea. I think a new tattoo and a trip to cali may sway her stance. Thanks for the idea ill get to work on that :)
That's crazy about the gf. I know a few people like that tho. I had to shotgun every hit to my gf for like 4 months before she could hit a pipe without puking. Now she makes me look like a bitch on a bong haha. I envy u even more now lol. Baller set-up and an easy sale gf who doesn't smoke all ur stash? Treat her well man lol.


Well-Known Member
Off to the doc. Got pwned by a .300 rifle scope. Lookin like 6-12 stitches and a phat ass bowl are in order.


Well-Known Member
you stepped on it? or what happened haha you clutz!

Ya my GF is the shit, she's 7 years younger than me(21) and basically does anything i say, I'm lucky. I treat her like GOLD though, very good guy to her .Hows that new fan workin? Youve had a rough couple days... I had to laugh hard when I saw the story and the pic with the fresh flame chars on the fan motor, ohh MYLANTA (lol) It comes in threes though man so watch out, one more is coming then your good hehe. I got some major work in my room this evening, I better get my bong from the cupboard and get started, take' er easy :)