sensi's attempt at a journal. 3 room multi strain perpetual grow


Well-Known Member
Well when u are ready ill bring a few cutd of her and ull get to know all about her lol. Hope all is going well on ur side of the river, glad to hear u found the hookup on equip. Too. Sorry it took so long to get back to ya man. Lmk when you're ready to go and ill get to cuttin


Well-Known Member
Alright, ill have some good pics here in a couple days max, but I was watering the white widow and was please to find tight node spacing for at least 13 inches, its almost completely filled in already and its only on day 20. I'm using connesour (sp?) A and B on her, I'm liking the results a bit so far, still can't say that its worth all the cash tho. Anyway I was excited enough to take a few shitty cell phone pics for the time being cause I'm stoked. Plz ignore the yellowing, if I have one complaint its the lack of N in the advanced lineup. Anyway enough bs. Onto the bs pics.

Sorry again about the shit quality, ill get better at these updates soon. I swear :D :joint:


Well-Known Member
Ok, an attempt at an organized update, I'm on day 22 and using the connesour line, I am loving the results however there is FAR from enough N to keep them happy so I'm stuck on the rebound now trying to keep them where there at for 2-3 more weeks but prolly won't happen. Mendo is incredible. Not gonna be a yielder from the look of it but she smells sweeter than candy and every calyx is purplish black, couldn't get it to show through on the cam really but I'm sure shell come out to play when they swell up. Anyway enough talk eh?

Jack the ripper:

Querkle: she's small but she stinks even in veg and she's getting forstier than the widow, fast:

+ low stretch and tight nodes

And white widow, forgive me for whoring the shit outta her but I have HIGH hopes for this girl. She makes me happy everytime I see her lol:

Not sure if these two are of jtr or WW

Snowdawg maybe? Idk
Anyway that's it for now, lookin forward to ur comments apparently the mendo pics didn't upload but ill get some more tonight and upload tomorrow, til then :joint:


Well-Known Member
ok quick update. sitting in a library, you should see the way people are lookin at me, bunch of bud porn flashin across the screen, one guys lookin at me like i should die and his buddy looks ready to call the cops on me lol. anyway, onto the pics.
first is querkle:



white widow:

mendo purps:


comments always welcome :joint: stay high guys.


Well-Known Member
Just had the pleasure of smoking on some "sister" its been like 3 hours and I can't still taste the dankness :bigjoint: gotta get a clone of it.


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd take a second and post a few pics of the outdoor ladies, and a good excuse to bump my thread :D
only 3 outside this year and one is getting rootbound fast, I don't think it'll make it to flower as I refuse to do anything with it and its in a probably half gallon pot. Call me lazy.
They were put outside about a week and a half ago at about 4 inches tall and maybe 4 nodes, I love how fast they're growin. Especially the medo, she took off. They're only getting 9 hours of direct sunlight right now and about 11 by september so I don't expect a whole lot or any bushes but with the way my backyard is setup they'll at least get more direct sunlight in flower.
Mendo purps:





Active Member
Nice pics man. Those are some really frosty lookin plants. I see one is JTR is that jack the ripper from TGA? Ive been lookin at his dank book and read about their breeding group. Produceing some really nice hybrids. I cant wait to try and grow some of their stuff someday soon..: ) Keep up the good work....plants look great.



Well-Known Member
Nice pics man. Those are some really frosty lookin plants. I see one is JTR is that jack the ripper from TGA? Ive been lookin at his dank book and read about their breeding group. Producing some really nice hybrids. I cant wait to try and grow some of their stuff someday soon..: ) Keep up the good work....plants look great.

thanks alot man. i appreciate the kind words. the jtr it turns out was a mendo purp that had been mislabeled its a bit more sativa than the other and is more of a sweet candy grape smell where as the other is a bit more sour smelling, both smell amazing though, i will likely end up keepin em both. update comin in a second


Well-Known Member
One more time since I'm here lol. Cut 3 of the mendo tops at day 55 ( one patient LOVES it cut here, little too milky for me) ill get some pics up hopefully tomorrow, they look awesome though. I'd say maybe an o off the 3 well know soon enough


Active Member
Speechless? Lol :bigjoint: show me some love, its kinda lonely feelin in here
Oh my skills mon....big time. Those look so so so sweet, Look at the sparkles. Man that mendo produced pretty good for you. Whats been your best harvest from one those badd bitches? I bet this is the best yet? Very very nice.


I can only dream sir....someday soon I hope


Well-Known Member
Lol. Thanks man :joint:
My best from a single plant was just a touch over 4 oz but she vegged FOREVER and was under almost 2kwatts in flower. She's a kinda fluffy yielder but these are definetly the nicest looking and sweetest smelling go about thus far. Thanks for stoppin in man. The 2 mendos are finishing up and started flush last night so they'll be down ina bout 14 days finishing at 65 days or so? Not sure, she's the fastest one in my tent. She lokked ripe with amber at wk 6. But its just not there til around 8, that's when she taste good and fucks shit up imo. lol. Where ur fkin grow journal man?! ;) :joint: seriously though, start a journal show off ur babies!


Well-Known Member
Just smoked a little piece of the mendo, omg. Even a little early she puts ya down pretty hard, not too potent but enough so to get the job done, its my favorite strain for cooking, makes everything awesome. The inhale is overwhelmingly sweet with a burst of purple grape, the exhales goes from a musky/sour taste to spicy that tingles the senses, within a few hits my temples start tingling and my back loosens up. Definetly a keeper, if ur fortunate enough to have access to this strain I reccomend it for and one who wants some candy tasting nugs thatll help ya sleep. And a patient says it helps his inflammation pain quite a bit as well. :joint: