Sensitive lungs

old ass thread, im embarrassed

i was still feeling weird from getting banned from....idk a different site. took a while to get comfy here
I believe coconut oil is salubrious. Pie if your patient starts on cannacaps, mixed with an extract, their running medicinal base level will be much higher already throughout the day. Any additional medicating will be gravy, or not even necessary.
Potato chips will deliver the goods.
A few drops of oil on the tongue, a handful of chips to wash it down. should feel it in 3-5 min.
So coco canna oil on chips?

Well, I will have to spend time reading about the coconut oil, cannacaps, and tinctures. It's all rather new to me. All I know is smoking, hash, and butter.
I believe coconut oil is salubrious. Pie if your patient starts on cannacaps, mixed with an extract, their running medicinal base level will be much higher already throughout the day. Any additional medicating will be gravy, or not even necessary.
Salubrious? It's good for them?

Shit. Is it the same ratio for the oil as brownies? Why does coconut deliver faster?
Salubrious? It's good for them?

Shit. Is it the same ratio for the oil as brownies? Why does coconut deliver faster?
It's all about the quantity of concentrate that is within each cap, the coconut only helps. think in terms of starting with an amount the size of a grain of rice.

Those capsules taken at night will have a long lasting effect. I prefer to not have to drive an automobile the following day, at least until my tolerance starts to build up.
When i was on a cannacap regimen, i basically stopped medicating (smoking) above what was accumulating in my system from the nightly caps.

Pie, does your friend still have to drive or work? It may be too much for them, unless u start them off w tiny doses.
When i was on a cannacap regimen, i basically stopped medicating (smoking) above what was accumulating in my system from the nightly caps.

Pie, does your friend still have to drive or work? It may be too much for them, unless u start them off w tiny doses.
Yeah. He is a manager during the day. He has kids too so it needs to be something he can do discretely.
"Mullein. This plant attracts the beneficial insects, but also is well known for being a smoking herb. It is actually known to prevent and treat pulmonary problems, as well as useful as a remedy for cough when smoked. It is generally flavorless when smoked, and if smoked with your weed, will almost nullify any coughing from the hit. Excellent for use in a six-footer."
- Karri0n
Salubrious? It's good for them?

Shit. Is it the same ratio for the oil as brownies? Why does coconut deliver faster?

google qwizoking coconut oil. i yave more in depth replies, but my coconut oil thread will pop up....

a tincture can be used how ever you like, in general for topical use i suggest unrefined sunflower oil and 5-10% ethanol or pg..
for sublingual i generally recommend straight glycerin

for oral use ... coconut oil

without getting too fancy ir has to do with the likelihood of the "solvent" releasing the desired compounds. the logp of the compounds etc

shit you can even make an extended release capsule with a beeswax mix etc ar home pretty easily easily...
"break through pain" or whatever the case can be treated differently. i still would recommend an edible, and when this person needs a boost....
simply smoke an ecig pg concentrate mix, it diluted nicely.. just like hitting an ecig, with minimal discomfort

just depends how far your wanting to go.

i usually dose by weight..
i realize cannabinoid ratios vary butbfor the most part i grow the same strains and now what they do..

as with all meds start low and work up. again as with anything take as little as needed
heres a tid bit from i think a thread barnbuster put

"....Now Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are medium-chain (8 to 10 carbons, kinda 6-12)

In the digestive system MCTs are broken down into individual fatty acids (MCFA). Unlike other fatty acids, MCFA are absorbed directly from the intestines into the portal vein and sent straight to the liver where they are, for the most part, burned as fuel much like a carbohydrate. In this respect they act more like carbohydrates than like fats.

Other fats require pancreatic enzymes to break them into smaller units. They are then absorbed into the intestinal wall and packaged into bundles of fat (lipid) and protein called lipoproteins. These lipoproteins are carried by the lymphatic system, bypassing the liver, and then dumped into the bloodstream, where they are circulated throughout the body. As they circulate in the blood, their fatty components are distributed to all the tissues of the body. The lipoproteins get smaller and smaller, until there is little left of them. At this time they are picked up by the liver, broken apart, and used to produce energy
MCTs do not require bile salts for digestion and therefore, passively absorbed by the intestinal tract into the blood stream where they are used for energy.. of course a bit simplified but basically faster onset and less degradation occurs.
Rich sources of MCTs include palm kernel oil, coconut oil and camphor tree drupes."
"Mullein. This plant attracts the beneficial insects, but also is well known for being a smoking herb. It is actually known to prevent and treat pulmonary problems, as well as useful as a remedy for cough when smoked. It is generally flavorless when smoked, and if smoked with your weed, will almost nullify any coughing from the hit. Excellent for use in a six-footer."
- Karri0n
Thankyou. I will research all of this.
Sorry, small doses is what? Also, I can put tinctures in capsules?
small doses of the concentrate, on a potato chip or in a cococap. tincture is in the glycerin or alcohol, taken w a squeeze dropper or sprayed into mouth w an atomizer.

first things first, make some extraction.