Sentence word game


Well-Known Member
Ok people so we have the three word story thread out there rolling hard,But i was thinking about something
in the same style of word play- bear with me

Take a sentence using the last word of the previous sentence and cary it on to the begining of the sentence you make
for example-

Dam brownies i ate gave me the munchies,Munchies is whats for dinner
Dinner sucks,Sucks to be you,you sh#@t me to tears!.See were it would be going?

It could be any context,movie quotes,something you saw on a bumper sticker,hell even a ridiculous story anything
you wish just as long as
you begin your message with the last word of the previous message and it could be a plural of the word.Lets see what we come up with!

Ill start with -
In a forum not so long ago there was a stoner who stole my box of captain crunch.