Separating coconut oil and water


Well-Known Member
Made a batch of coco oil and and I let it sit too long. Since I did nothing with it the first day, I tried to place it back on the stove and turned it up to heat it. Only this time it seemed like it all mixed together. Should I toss it or can I save it somehow?


Well-Known Member
I would retry it.. heck even if you can get them to part.. add them to capsules.... coconut burps are great..


New Member
Yea I'd just heat it up on a low temp until it liquifys completely, stirring often. Once you have it all liquified set it out until the temp drops low enough to touch but still in liquid state (Between 76F-120F). Then place it in the fridge for a few hours to insure that all oils have solidified properly. The idea is to have it solidify slowly and allow all the oil to bond back together. I'm curious though how you had it sitting to long. More details would be helpful.


Well-Known Member
It was odd. The first time I placed it in the fridge the top layer was hard. I grabbed a bit and used some to make edibles and left it out. When I came back to check it that day it was all melted and mixed. So I placed it on the stove again on low and simmered for a good 30 mins. I didn't place it back in the fridge because there was no room so I left it to sit. The next day it was still the same so I covered it back up and left it. I checked it today and it was good to go. But for a couple if days there was no activity, that's when I put up the post and just forgot about it. It took care of itself on its own.


Well-Known Member
Put the oil water mix in fridge all butter rises then cut into two.pieces and then.u have tge oil that u just melt back into.container
