Serenade is killing my plant, WTF?

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member

A few days ago I sprayed serenade (bacillus subtilis) for mold prevention. This plant was beautiful, no problems at all, I was just trying to prevent any mold from happening. Now she looks like she is dying. The leafs are turning brown and dying. She still has about 3-4 weeks left to finish. What can I do to help her?

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Cut off the burned section of the leaves. Maybe the mix was too strong? Did you spray it during the day?


Active Member
you are within ten days of harvest, and could cut now. Swolen calyxes, water weight accumulating; Your plant is dying from flowering, imo, no your new fertilizer. Those buds look fantastic, and the leaves are pushing their stored energy to the flowers. I see no problem, and nothing to worry about. You are almost done, so go get your fork...


Active Member
Cut off the burned section of the leaves. Maybe the mix was too strong? Did you spray it during the day?
DO NOT DO THIS!!! There is no reason to cause damage. If some leaves die or shrivel, so what? They do that anyway. Your buds are beautiful, and I mean that; and I am a pot veteran. Don't sweat, you're going to love your results.


Active Member
Let it go, you'll be fine. Your buds look fantastic, and the loss of some fan leaves will not change that. What strain, and when is your planned harvest date? are you checking trichomes?
Dyna Ryda, I just about threw up when I seen this post. I too sprayed Serenade today on a couple of spots of PM. I spot sprayed and never sprayed anywhere near buds luckily as the damage was on fan leaves and one spot of mold on a branch, which I cut. Did you use the RTU spray bottle or the concentrate? One things for sure and that's Serenade is some smelly shit! I would say what happened in your case is that for whatever reason your fan leaves got burned, but the bud seems to be un affected. I would assume that it's due to the fan leaves having a larger surface area to be magnified by the sunlight while it was wet. This is just my assumption. I do know that the yellowing and dying of your leaves is not normal flowering degradation, it's strictly due to the Serenade or your spraying of. I've heard great things about the product, and that's why I purchased it and chose to use it on my plants. I hate spraying anything at all on my plants during flowering, specially 6 weeks in, but figured as long as I spot sprayed I would be okay. I am assuming you drenched your entire plant with the spray? I would maybe give it a rinse of lightly misted water follwed by a bath in the sun and or some good air movement and get them good and dry before you put them to bed for that night so no mold sets in. I wish u the best of luck and hope my plants don't suffer like that.



Well-Known Member
thats not normal fan leaf loss... its the serenade..fuckers. Anyways, your plant looks fine..ish(the nugs are beautiful) its definetly going to make it, but thats just not right..i'd be throwing a bitch fit!


Well-Known Member
glad i chose not to try to prevent anything this year, i was considering serenade.

sorry for your loss, but you should not lose much.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
She is recovering now, no more new brown and the she is putting out new pistils. So I think she's gonna make it. Guy at hydro store convinced me to use this stuff and it seems to be working. I'm a 1000 percent sure it was the serenade that burned her, now I know. If it ain't broke don't fix it, or at least go easy with the sprays.