Serious cloning help needed!!!

Hey I need some major help and quick(ish). I need to make a shit ton of clones for the outdoor growing season which where I am starts mem day weekend pretty much. I have plenty of mothers right now with lots of clones but I have tried so many different ways of cloning and nothing has been working! Right now Ive got rockwool cubes and Rootech hormone. Im using a 2 4' flourescent daylight tubes. I have the clones in a tote with plastic on it for a humidity tent. I decreased the humidity to about 80% from 100% after their first 2 days. They're on 24 hours of light. I know they may be wilty for up to a week and it's only been a few days but Im just panicking kind of because on my last round of vegging plants I took about 200 clones probably and only 15 or so made it. I was using soil in cups with Dip n Grow under cfl's with a humidity tent and that didn't really work. I tried it without the humidity tent too and still no success. I invested in a 2 foot 2 light T5 system and still nothing. Now Im at rockwool. I took a few cuttings about 2 weeks ago and nothing happened I dont think. But a week ago I took a bunch more and I dont think any of those are gonna make it either. Those are under the T5 about 10 inches or 12 away without a humidity tent. So I took 6 more 2 days ago for my new set up try.

I NEED ANY ADVICE!! I need major help because Im looking to need at least 300 clones in about 6 weeks. Please help everyone! +reps for help! =) :peace:


Well-Known Member
you need some kind of heat matt. this is my setup

i have an 18 gal rubbermaid with a hole in the top for 1 23w cfl (65k). on the floor of it i have a heat mat you buy at walgreens for $11 usa. this is actually the heat pads you use on your back and shit. i have a tray on top of that. wich my clones sit on bam and screw the rockwool ther complicated i use peat pellets with this sutup i have a 99% success rate. good luck peace

Filla Kinex

Active Member
use a propagation tray with a lid. presoak your rockwool with a rooting hormone for 24 hours. i usually use a gallon of water for a tray. i make my cuts, say 10 at a time and put them in a cup of water. go back and make your 45 and let soak in the dip n grow for about 45 sec. take a nail and stick it in the whole in the rockwool just about 1/4 inch deeper then the whole in there already. you have to feel the cut go into the rockwool. it looks so easy but its all touch! good luck! if your blade is very sharp you can scrape the side of the cut where you made your 45. i know, easier said then done!


Well-Known Member
I'm a newb grower. I'm about halfway into my first serious attempt. I tried cloning for the first time about a week and a half ago and it actually worked!

I just cut a little 3 node branch off of the bottom of my best female, scarred it up a bit and dipped it in Olivia's gel. After that i stuck it in a peat pellet that had been soaking in rainwater overnight. I misted it gently then stuck a makeshift humidity dome over it and placed it in my veg room. I checked it today and saw 2 little roots poking through the peat! I'm so jacked!!

My veg room has a 400 watt ceramic mh so i put the little cutting waay far away from it just to be safe. It seems like the clone is very temp sensitive if it gets too warm it wilts up big time, but after 6 hours of dark it usually perks back up.

In summation i'd try peat pellets. If i can do it anyone can. i pretty much have no clue what im doing lol


Active Member
hey these is the steps i usually take

100% success so far

soak rockwool cubes in tray of water of PH of 5 with some vitamin b solution to decrease root stress. but use this very sparingly it shifts your PH a lot. after 24 hours empty the water.

slice the bottom of the stem where you cut in half and scrape the side of the stem near where you cut to expose some of the inner stem grow hormones.
make sure u dip the cutting in the rooting gel quickly after you make the cut so it doesn't get any air bubbles inside the step and have an embalism.

place on heating mat inside a dome to keep in humidity mist them a bit.
every once in a while open the top of the dome to let the moisture out so that you don't get any mold or root rot.
id say 40watts of CFL is good per 10 clones to get them rooted good.

i know you're going for a lot more clones but perhaps this can put it to scale. you might need to cut less so that you can focus on taking care of a few less.

hope this helps

do you have high temperatures? good airflow in the ambient environment? perhaps that could be a factor. also don't over water them too much in beginning cuz they have no roots to drink with.
Hey everyone thanks! I do have a heat pad underneath the tote. How long should I keep that on for? I know the warmer medium encourages chemicals to develop roots, Im just afraid to fry them up! I think Im gonna have to say fuck the rockwool and go back to dirt because I haven't had any success with it. I bought a different kind of soil that is a little fluffier than the last shit I was using. I wet it down just a bit, dipped my clone in Rootech gel, put it in my dirt cup and but them in one of those Jiffy type trys with the lid on it. I put it under the 4 foot shop light.

How far away should my light be?? Everyone Ive talked to says something different. There is 2 100W daylight temp T8 4 foot lights. Right now I have them about 18 inches away.

I have a shit ton of mothers so having cuttings isnt the problem...just the timing! I love this hobby but it's so frustrating sometimes!

On a high 16 flowering girls are almost ready! Can't fucking wait :peace: