serious feed back only!

You assholes.... abortion? Fucked up.
Not as fucked up as having yet another unwanted child in this world somebody can't afford to raise, if I were the unborn kid and HAD my choice I'd say "hey mom, this world sux major cock, do me with the coat hanger" .
ok, bout this, the chick is 16-17 yrs old....and really bad some freak of nature, she might die cause of this fetus....hell yeah, id consider abortion. not to point out the fact that they are way too young and and they have no jobs, bout of them are in and out of school...she aint in school now..and they are not ready for all. i will bring up the abortion..but im sure they will make up their own mind on whats best for this situation.
ok, bout this, the chick is 16-17 yrs old....and really bad some freak of nature, she might die cause of this fetus....hell yeah, id consider abortion. not to point out the fact that they are way too young and and they have no jobs, bout of them are in and out of school...she aint in school now..and they are not ready for all. i will bring up the abortion..but im sure they will make up their own mind on whats best for this situation.

Well why the fuck did they have sex without any child protection? bunch of dumbass kids.
oh for real? im pretty sure there's enough food to support this child. fuck I'll send the kid food.

it's not just about this child, it's about how more people are born every second than people who die and every day the numbers increase.

were all fucked, we all know it.. so why populate the world with more people just so they can suffer too?
i agree, yet again, another stupid young couple. i think they may have been dating all of 3 and on. ill put my foot up his ass, then ill talk some sence into his tiny brain....i would through a pack of rubbers to him...but theyre no use now.
well then she and he should have used condoms, if she's gonna be loose then good she deserves it. ehh whatever it's not my choice.

This situation has moved past "should". I respect your dislike of abortions; however the stakes for andrew and his family are as high as they get. The idea of a punitive pregnancy bothers me more than terminating an early pregnancy. Who would be punishing whom ... and for what? cn
it's not just about this child, it's about how more people are born every second than people who die and every day the numbers increase.

were all fucked, we all know it.. so why populate the world with more people just so they can suffer too?
so go kill yourself, so that way another person can live good.
i was askin for some good sence talk about this situation...not an arguement on why abortion is good or bad. i dont even know if they can.....she said shes 2 months prego.